Russia Says It’s Losing Because Ukraine Has Experimental Mutant Troops Created in Secret Biolabs


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maybe we are just suplying them with top quality pervitin

Could this be related to the Worm Supersoldier project? I've not heard a peep since the war started...

Aimo Koivunen approves.

none of the politicans they quoted said anything about russia losing. american globhomo propaganda on the level of NK

It's just the superior Ukrainian borscht.


russians are fucking retarded

>Bio jews denying their role in hte creation of super castration juice
The temerity

Imagine writing this gay shit and even publish it.

2 drunken ones tried to start a fight with me because there was a Finnish flag on my jacket. (I'm a Yooper not living in Yooper territory.)

i bet some freaky shit goes down in the basements of those Defense Thread Reduction labs. this is not far-fetched at all, the military has been working on super soldier programs for decades. interestingly it started out with the Men Who Stare at Goats guys, the First Earth Battalion, from the same contingent as the guys who invented remote viewing:

but it's naive to think we aren't using technology and medicine to enhance the fighting capabilities of at least some of our forces, and allied armies like ukraine would be the perfect guinea pigs for the freakier weirder stuff

the rumors of stimulant use being endemic in the UAF are interesting too. and don't forget that the syrian civil war and ISIS created an entirely new amphetamine market in the middle east, captagon

1 part slav, 1 part tartar, 1 part vodka, 1 part kike
Is this truly what ubermensch is?

>tranny author
>diseases =/= superhuman

harrpotter/capeshit trannyfantasy

Vladimir Putin needs to take his meds. Gene spliced mRNA super soldiers, what a retard. Borderline Qanon stuff.

That has to be the result of a mistranslation. I'm sure Russia thinks Ukrainian soldiers are 'trannies'.

Anabolic steroids developed in west Germany was actually the beginning. One could argue ancient civilizations who practiced eugenics (eg Sparta) are one and the same.

It's not gene-spliced. They replace the soldiers blood with Erythrocruorin.

Russian media is a trip to follow. I have no idea how they fucking believe half this shit hahahahaha

This is great lol this shit is funny actually Ukriane is richer then Russia so when the Russians invaded they were shocked by the amount of technology and quality of life

I don't think I trust who the fuck writes half this shit
Russians are claiming usa is doping ukrainian soldiers turning them into mindless fanatic killing bots. My sides are in orbit.

Yet NATO is too scared to fight Russia directly. Keep stalling bros.

You're going to focus on thr losing rather than the claims of superhumans fucking lol never change

The name is meth.

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You're well adjusted thats why. Russia is another universe. They canceled a fuck ton of papers and journos since the war began so this is all the shit that is left

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We're just gonna pretend they aren't talking about meth?



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Jewkrainian propaganda.


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There will never be a tactical need for space marine biologically enhanced soldiers. All infantry is expandable meat shields. The military would sooner invest in full terminator style robots than super soldiers.

Besides even if there was a super soldier serum or some shit it wouldnt be able to undo the average western zoomer's LGBThue upbringing. You would need a recruit pool from chechens, african child soldiers etc

I thought the US biolabs were just meant to make missiles that magically only kill Russians. I didn't know that were creating superhuman cyborg ninja Ukrainians. The US biolabs are AMAZING.

Nah, the fact that Russia is losing doesn't need to be mentioned by anyone since only a total retard would not be aware of it already.

It looks like Ukraine's income is spread more equally, more on the level of Iceland, while Russia is actual nigger tier like Ghana. Just looking at Gini, Russians on average have more income, but there are more Russians living in mudhut like conditions without paved roads and indoor plumbing.


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