HAPPENING Jordan Peterson's "Self-Help" is a psyop

This will take a few paragraphs to explain but it will become self-evident the moment you understand it.

For those with ears to hear:
The first thing that needs to be explained is how the capital letter "I" or the roman numeral "1" is a symbol for both identity and the trinity. When you have a chair you have (1) an observer with a goal (something to sit on), (2) the noumena without form, and (3) the transformative connection between the two that renders the object perception. In other words, you have the provider of function, performer of function, and the relationship between the two that forms the identity relation (the top, bottom, and vertical line that connects them in the I). This is also how the trinity works: god the Father provides function, the Son performs it, and the Holy Spirit is the transformative connection that causes the Son to be in a constant state of ascension. This isn't to say the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit aren't one and the same, they are because they are each perfectly self-similar, which is extremely important. The Christ is the universal pattern of self-similarity which is why the Son and the Father are equal (think of the Jungian Self and the Ego being in perfect harmony).


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Other urls found in this thread:


All identities are relational (this is why Nietzsche said the "I" is a synthetic judgement). When someone refers to their identity they always refer to something else as the source of it. All identities are contextual/relational in this way so you have people identifying with religion, nation, political party, and what have you.
Love is the capacity for shared identity. When you love someone and do something for their sake you have to identify with their needs as fundamentally important otherwise you rationalistically justify helping others from your own personal gain. Peterson's definition of love is "the will to act out the best interests of someone" which is precisely that: performing favors for others out of self-interest to win their favour. This is how psychopaths imitate love and under Peterson's definition there is literally no distinction.
A human being cannot be the source of their own identity without gradually degenerating towards solipsistic psychopathy and psychosis unless they are Christ. The reason Christ can do it is because he is the incarnation of the universal pattern of self-similarity which means he can identify with himself while still sharing identity with others.

The Bible Scriptural idea of Trinity was just Catholics trying to explain and teach their followers the Transitive property of mathematics at the high school level that you should have gotten between the ages of 13 and 17, and even more so in higher maths class such as how to re-isolate the Pythagorean theorem or from first principles. Instead of just saying it plainly and calling these things "Discrete Mathematics", "Set Theory", "Logic 101" or Calculus (These ideas wouldn't get hammered down until 1000 years later, they had to get by with the best they could get, by teaching the lie that the Transitive property does not hold, and the students who come by after class and say: "Rabbi Surely the transitive property does hold, here I can prove it beyond all doubt with this little experiment". The Trinity becomes clear.

>A is B
>B is C
>Therefore A is C
Catholics teaching the transitive property of logic by describing it using 'zen koans' of things that make no sense. A man who figures out the truth after being told a lie will be smarter than the man told the truth and believing it because first pass makes perfect sense.

God visited man in his image and came by prematurely to see how his experiment was going along. The Cro Magnon asked: "Why did you make me"? And God was like ah jeez now I have to answer, so he answered the best he could with the explanation of Trinity. Here's an MIT professor trying to explain trinity as superposition. youtu.be/lZ3bPUKo5zc?t=636 The atoms have properties, and the atoms don't have properties, these are both scientifically true statements that can be proven beyond all doubt. Which means that Cro Magnon that God whispered into the ear of, got a lesson in mathematics from a billion years in the future.

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>the trinity
Oh look another christcuck astroturf thread.


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I wonder about the mental state of anons who post detailed walls of text on an Albanian gypsy needlework forum.

Clean your Room
Wash your Penis

Be like Sea Bugs (Lobsters)
and you will be happy

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This is completely psychological, you don't have to believe in anything to understand this.

and you will be happy

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>All identities are relational (this is why Nietzsche said the "I" is a synthetic judgement). When someone refers to their identity they always refer to something else as the source of it.
This is a ridiculous premise and I stopped reading here since you moved on as though it was legitimate.

Literally read a book

No one is afraid of that old Jewish dyke. Quit spamming irrelevancy.

>Love is the capacity for shared identity. When you love someone and do something for their sake you have to identify with their needs as fundamentally important otherwise you rationalistically justify helping others from your own personal gain.
Love is a measurable neurological phenomenon and isn’t a “rational” decision you autistic retard

>autistic retard
Oxymoronic. Schizos and sociopaths are the retards. Autists are God's chosen.

Not only is that not even close to an argument it solidifies my inkling that you are a stupid person.

I read a book and think you’re wrong
>Ummm ackchtually *semantics*
Kill yourself

You seriously need to kill yourself. The world is a better place without you.

To clarify this point, I'll refer to Aristotle's writings on Time.
Aristotle pointed out that moments, like units of distance, can be infinitely subdivided. To have one "time", you have to have two "times" and a duration between them, just like an inch. This means you cannot have singularity without multiplicity, diversity without unity. Everything that can be said to exist has to be denoted within the paradigm of a language game, this is why Wittgenstein retracted his own writings in the Tractatus.


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Trigonometry was first hammered out by a Catholic in Europe who admitted that he used the Biblical idea of Trinity to start the in-brain process of discovering the algebraic expressions of the relationship of lengths of sides of shapes having properties, into temporal logic that holds true today, and the discovery and isolation of the transitive property of algebra and the probability of causality.

Trinity and Trigonometry both have similar sounding, because if you go back 1200 to 1900 years ago Trig class was Trinity class.

"All things are three, and thrice is all: and let us use this number in the worship of the gods.
For as the Pythagoreans say, everything and all things are bound by threes, for the end, the
middle, and the beginning have this number in everything, and these compose the number of the

>"Nor is it only in historical religions that we find God viewed as a trinity. One recalls in
particular the Neoplatonic view of the Supreme or Ultimate Reality which was suggested by
- Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Hastings, p. 458, vol. XII.
Trinity was the religious leadership waxing poetic about the nature of God by saying: "Your temporal logic will never grab hold of God or confine God or help you discover anything about God because God is a Cross-Dimensional organism. His existence breaks your Mathematics that you have proven beyond all doubt. 2+2 != 4 with God.

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>Ummm ackchtually *semantics*
There's nothing similar to autism with schizophrenia or antisocial traits. It's not a semantic argument. Keep showing your retardation you psycho.


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Be not afraid


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Love is a neurological phenomenon, so it can never occur outside of neurons, say in silicon. The substrate determines the qualia, according to you, in other words. How is that?

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Writers/directors of the Matrix were using bibically sound story arc for trinity when Neo says: "Trinity... Help".

Neo is the Son, the one, the anomaly, and Smith is the correction, the father, and Trinity is the 3rd part described by op's piece.

You need ears to pick up the divinity in the correctness of ops statements. Trinity itself also evolves.

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