Texas university professor for computer science posted pic related on twitter and everyone wants him instantly fired from his 100k+/year job. remember when that muslim professor was saying she was happy Barbara Bush was dead and that was deemed protected free speech?

Attached: utdallas professor2.png (354x420, 174.9K)

at least he's posting a link, you faggot



White post
Sage Twitter trash

Christianity prevented nearly all our ills. The White people stumbled in the 60s when so many rejected it. Europe's abandonment of God will kill it and the US nearly didn't make it because so many turn their back on Him. California is Hell on earth because they embraced the faggots with open arms.

Why are gay MEN so promiscuous? Lesbians seem to be monogamous.

The easiest way to not get monkey pox is to just not fuck strangers.
Apparently this is too much effort for the gays.

>The White people stumbled in the 60s when so many rejected it.
Christianity in America gave us the 1965 Immigration Act and the Civil Rights Act.

>Only test gay men
>deny testing to str8 women and men
it's all so tiresome... Anyway, most of you will have life long scars and at least 10% of you will go blind.

Attached: SIGA.png (1104x828, 42.61K)

I found the cure for homosexuality, it's called monkeypox

Testosterone. Lesbians aren't monogamous so much as they're asexual. See "lesbian bed death."

He's probably a dumbass or just wanted to get fired.

So either way you should not be working at a college

No, that was judaism in America.
And if it is not yet abundantly clear to you, voting is a fucking scam.
So, blaming the common people for the schemes of the ruling class is the pervue of fucking retards

shut up, homo. No one believes your retarded pilpul

lmao, fag. You are nothing but a destructive plague rat, a pest.
Die on your own accord before you get forcibly euthanized in order to prevent harm.

>Christianity in America gave us the 1965 Immigration Act and the Civil Rights Act.
Don’t forget women and nigger voting.

>Jesus loves you
>These fucks are doing it again but it’s not some reframed flu. They fucked (gain of function) with a pox virus and released it at a gay parade and fetish festival to have maximum spread by gay pride month. And no govt is shutting that shit down. So here we are. I have plenty more that may interest you.

Attached: 39F459CE-3AC4-4619-BB77-887A91E26C72.jpg (521x1024, 84.36K)

Cure is already known
Homosexuality = Worms/Parasites

Attached: TurpentineCuresHomosexuality.jpg (864x1152, 161.7K)

Oh I’m all for it burning through the fags. I just want my frens to be safe.

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Purple pitcher plant extract. Amish ways. Might not be much left. But find yourself one of the plants.

What part? Did you know infected boils on your hand can spread to others without buttsecks? Without even touching someone? Guess what happens when you touch your face after that handrail? The amount of stupidity that would require ignoring this is beyond me

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