Russian parliment claims Ukrainian soldiers are genetically modified by CIA to become monsters

>Russian parliment claims Ukrainian soldiers are genetically modified by CIA to become monsters

Jesus fucking Christ russhits are THIS dumb

Attached: aDDY19x_460s.jpg (460x545, 46.58K)

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Source ?

Mk Ultra

>image one might find on 9gag
>spurious claims
>impotent seething and copious amounts of butthurt
>no link
>no archive
We've got a winner.

the CIA is turning azov into space marines.

Attached: azov chad real.jpg (1091x1280, 115.23K)

Don't like jews.
Russia should initiate the pogrom.
suck it nigger


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anything to explain their dismal display in ukraine

B Coвeтe фeдepaции в пoнeдeльник пpoшлo oчepeднoe зaceдaниe пapлaмeнтcкoй кoмиccии пo paccлeдoвaнию дeятeльнocти aмepикaнcких биoлaбopaтopий нa тeppитopии Укpaины. Кaк зaявили coпpeдceдaтeли кoмиccии, aнaлиз кpoви yкpaинcких вoeннocлyжaщих пoкaзaл, чтo oни пoдвepгaлиcь «ceкpeтным экcпepимeнтaм», в peзyльтaтe кoтopых были пpeвpaщeны в «жecтoчaйших чyдoвищ».

Read further faggot. It's just a clickbate

Putin loves kikes though

Your politics are fucking morons and it's true

Did he not give an order to consider anyone whith ties to Israel (all jews) to be considered foreign agents.

Attached: vatnigger holohoax.jpg (1080x1760, 238.12K)

Israel's enemies use Russian weapons.
Russia's enemies use Israeli weapons.
Russia supports the people Israel bombs.

Let me ask you.

Where is putin right now?
Where is joe biden right now?

tl;dr. deny the holocaust in russia and go to gulag. kike faggot.

>Ukrainian soldiers are genetically modified by CIA to become monsters
it's true

Attached: tranny armed forces.png (854x978, 1.42M)

That waaay before putin ever became president.
Deny the holocaust in america, and say goodbye to your job, your family and hello to the cuckshed.

its nice we have these research facilities

>Jesus fucking Christ russhits are THIS dumb
And yet they are still smarter than polacks
let that sink in

Attached: putin monke jew2.jpg (828x431, 206.34K)

Attached: monke is a jew.jpg (1024x578, 59.38K)

Lol made coffins

No one cares

the tranny coffin builder of kiev

in the usa the whites fight and die to promote man on man hardcore anal.
in russia minorities fight and die for russians.

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>On Monday, the Federation Council held a regular meeting of the parliamentary commission investigating the activities of American bio-laboratories on the territory of Ukraine. According to the co-chairmen of the commission, blood analysis of Ukrainian servicemen showed that they had been subjected to "secret experiments" that resulted in their transformation into "the cruelest monsters."


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>in the usa the whites fight and die to promote man on man hardcore anal.
but you vatniggers said the US military is 100% tranny mulattos. which is it?

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