FYI Eurocucks. Your days are numbered

The only reason Germany is rich is because they had a baby boom in the 1960's instead of the 1940's. Their boomers are peak earning age whereas everyone else's boomers are old decrepit retards, probably with lead poisoning.

In 20 years, Germany will degrade in the same way we have, and the EU will fall as soon as the money flow halts. By then (god willing), our boomers will be dead, and we will prosper. Well done Germany, you spent your peak years giving money to the eternally crappy nations of Europe, all so it will collapse a few decades later. Good job.

Think about it chaps? Why would the loser of the ww2 be doing better than the winners? It doesnt make sense because if they were inferior in war, they must have been inferior in general. Obviously there was more to this story.

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shut the fuck up with your "europoor"memes, nearly all europeans live above the poverty line and aren't homeless in the street like amerifarts or amerimongrels!

I literally never said the word europoor. You spastic.

I don't trust that vagina graph


come here white man

and bring 4 of your purest "white" daughters for me to marry and breed and InshAllah i shall save your heritage

nice larp. We all know the Muslim that is true to his nature is also illiterate.

ironic while you joke and mock islam your country is slowly turning into a muslim country day by day.

why don't you visit hyde park and take a good look at all these legitimate non muslim british people ?

also the second paragraph is sarcasm just so your bongo brain can process and cope after.

the proud expansion of your noble people. With one hand they wield the sword of pity, and with the other they wield the tablet of benefits scrounging. Such a thing to be proud of. Such cockroaches can never win, no matter if there are 90% muslims and 10% english left, we will still win if only we choose to.

>is eurocuck
>talks only about germs
What did this paki mean by this?

Im saying the EU will fall, as germany is the only important country in the EU, they are the only one worth talking about.

don't post threads like that, polish-tranny-cuck will come here and act like a retard

>m saying the EU will fall
You're making me hopeful.

Not for a long. Only until Russia cuts its gas :3

fuck off. Dont care what putin sycophants have to say.

No worries, kraft durch schadenfreude.

The eternal anglo is mad and envious of Germans even as their country is turning into literal hell on earth. Gott strafe England.

"literal hell on earth" - Look out my window at the green trees, go downstairs to see my beautiful white children and eat some fresh berries from the garden.

Yeah sure. hell on earth. Touch grass. don't listen to the media.

>implying there is still 10% "english" left

bongbro i ......

this chart looks like morbidly obese american female nigger with chinese hat on it's head

they can easly fix this with immigration
and they will
by 2030-2040 they will let in plenty of immigrants from sea and latin america and people will gladly welcome them "as long as they are not muslims"

germany can ask for 100 immigrants who specialized in esperanto and you will have millions of browns trying to learn that meme language. Never underestimate the attractiveness of europe to 3rd worlders.

>hy would the loser of the ww2 be doing better than the winners? It doesnt make sense because if they were inferior in war, they must have been inferior in general. Obviously there was more to this story.

Cope, the thread

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