I'm pretty sure we've manufactured more than enough spoons for everyone in the world. So... why do we keep making them?

I'm pretty sure we've manufactured more than enough spoons for everyone in the world. So... why do we keep making them?

Attached: spoon.jpg (1500x1156, 52.03K)

They bend too much over time: metal fatigue. Also get scratched up and ugly and keep getting thrown away. Some people throw them away because they want newer ones.


Because I don’t have enough shoved up my ass.

The drug using community keeps fucking folding them in half and burning them all up

>The drug using community

You sound like a fucking communist.

He didn't want to say "the Russians"


because women toss them in the trash after a cuppa. it's the most evil thing they do. it's like they are making a wish each time. they know what they are doing and they play coy.

>why do we keep making them

Spoon lobbyists
Concave addicts
Convex phobists
Salad fingers

i think for those who lose their spoons.... increased population.....

>Salad fingers
I completly forgot about that guy

A good solid spoon shouldn't rust. My local store sells 5 packs of utensils for $1.50, and they rust within 1 week. That's the most capitalistic thing i've ever seen.

my spoons fucking disappear on a monthly basis, at least one per month

they dont go down the garbage disposal, id hear that shit
theyre not on my desk
im pretty sure i dont throw them out
fuckers just disappear
i have all my forks and knives still
its a mystery man

You probably throw them out without realizing

do you by chance invite a woman over occasionally?

I've been wondering this for awhile. Some products even throw in a spoon for some reason, like Lao Gan Ma Spicy Chili Crisp.

heroin addicts keep ruining them

you live with a woman, she tosses them in the trash. they do it to make wishes

Buy an antique sterling silver utensil set on ebay and you'd probably never lose them because each spoon you lose is worth like $20