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Because we'll be minorities in our own lands?

nah not really, you guys keep cockblocking our ascension. You will give me a raise, and you will give me a higher position in your company. Otherwise ill just keep playing vidya and not try hard at work at all.

die already boomer scum

Better hurry and put in more hand holding globalism and rainbow fag laws before you croak. the sooner you all die the sooner the healing can start

Fuck millenials. The stupidest most entiteled gen. Die you fucking harry potter reading freaks

Sorry kiddo but I'm gonna take out another HELOC to go on a Viking cruise. Work smarter not harder.

>generations of whites need to be encouraged to hate other generations of whites
>1 post
90% of threads on this board are bait

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Think we are bad? wait till the zoomies hit their 30s to. You kikes did way more damage to them than us. Double down some more though. im sure at some point some future gen will cuck. Oh wait no, they wont because your stupid tranny shit is infecting your own kids now. Huff on some zyklon B faggot.

>lost a way of thinking they pioneered
Boomers are not the first insufferably self-centred psychopaths to ever exist. Journos are so fucking stupid.

The most entitled are the so called silent generation
They are 70-80 now. They came right after the "greatest generation". The Boomers come after that. Millenials aren't entitled we are demanding. We demand you give us what we want. We will have what we want and you will give it to us or we will take it by any means necessary. If that means destroying all of civilization we have no problem with that.

Don't forget Gen X. They will be the elders when boomers die, which is fucking terrifying.

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Who's gonna fill their shoes?
Who's going to walk that tall?

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>lost a way of thinking they pioneered

Selling out the next generations futures for your own social security?

Boomers are 70-80 now... The hippies and so on, those are 70-80 now.

Those guys are 50+
Let that sink in

Gen X is not entitled privileged or worrying. Gen X was demolished by their boomer parents. They spoil and love their millenial children. Make no mistake, Gen X lives to serve millenials. They will gladly hand their millenial offspring the world.

Probably because while they were useless as a whole they still are able to keep the shit show running if badly. Functioning societies will end with them as millennials and zoomies are incapable retards.

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Boomers are 60-75 at the latest.

>Millenials aren't entitled we are demanding
Fuck out if here with your retarted slogans. Cringy fuck

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Boomers didn’t sell out anyone. They didn’t choose anything. They were just dumb ignorant serfs who lived during the pump period of the pump and dump scheme known as the American middle class. It’s pretty tiresome that they can watch the destruction of their children and grandchildren and remain eternally arrogant without giving a single shit, but it really no longer matters. They will literally be dead soon and once their money runs out we are officially Venezuela tier. We need to prepare for that time and they sure as shot aren’t going to help us. Just ignore them, stick them in a home if need be, and move on.

youngest boomers are 57 years old. we'll be dealing with them for a long time to come.

my gen x mom wants me to be better than her and she knows i am. i constantly grand stand her morally when we discuss sensitive topics and she keep helping me financialy even after i told hger to fuck off about college. Im purposely living in poverty and enjoying vidya and she knows it and she keeps helping me. She got me a 1k phone last christmas and she has been paying my phone bill for 8 years now. kek. Im not a selfish cunt though and i always come to my moms side when she needs help so its not a one way road.

>out of touch reactionaries

Also millenials are the most likely demographic to use violence and mean words to achieve their goals. Millenials don't give a shit about Israel, kikes, religion. We just have to get their minds of faggots trannies and niggers and back onto killing the 1% and reclaiming our birth right. Whites built civilization, it's only right we continue to run the civilization we built: optics be damned.

You can try to replace the boomers and zoomers, but the second millenials smell blood in the water boomers are getting thrown into shallow ditches and turned into fertilizer

No they aren't. The baby boom happened 76 years ago when ww2 ended.

The punk rock generation. Never given the reigns of power, don’t give a fuck, would pay to watch the millennials fight the zoomers for scraps because it’s funny.

Baby boomer refers to a time when soldiers came back from world war 2 and started fucking babies into their women. 1943-1953 (at the very latest). Most are close to 80. Just like your IQ.

I don't get this boomer hate, each generation is worse than the one before them, and none take responsibility for their fuckups, so this looks more and more like leftist/progressive psyop.

Boomers are 1946 to 1965. You can look this shit up, you know.


Most whites were illiterate retards throughout history. You think your ancestors designed cathedrals? Lol. They managed to put some stints where their lords and masters told them to. The average white IQ is 100. That’s closer to the IQ of a dog than the 160+ IQ men that built civilization.

I already miss them, since Millenniggers are a million times worse than boomers. The world will go to shit even more the moment these animals get power.
t. early Zommie.

The latest date you gave would make the oldest boomer 69. Learn how to do basic math before you start talking about IQ.

>would pay to watch the millennials fight the zoomers for scraps because it’s funny
Shit, we're going to get hazed aren't we. Like the whole world is now their dormitory and we're the first years.

>I don't get this boomer hate
Because the boomer generation got "lucky" to be young in a post-war environment when the USA was becoming super prosperous
Now the millenials and zoomers think it's their time to be super prosperous just because.
But wars and long economic cycles don't work that way
No next generation is guaranteed to live better than the previous one, why would it?
So they bitch at the boomers.

As Gen X nothing gives me greater joy that boomers are still around to live in the hell they created. Knowing every fucking day some of their rotten degusting corpses start decomposing gives me everlasting joy. I do everything in my power to make things worse because a boomer will feel the impact. Heatwaves across the world thousands dying? Fantastic know who the people are most vulnerable during those? Boomers. Their kids hate them so who gets to take care of them? Niggers and Spics and that warms my heart every time I think about it. Fuck the boomer generation may they suffer in their rotten bodies till they can't even move and then suffer some more.

how many of those punk rockers are raging for the machine now though?

I think about this all the time as I’m one of the millennials replacing the boomer generation. It’s 4-1 retirements vs. new hires in many fields. The knowledge to run things badly is there but I am so burned out on emotionally retarded boomers.
>inb4 “muh feelings”
Boomers have no concept of introspection bro. They get mad at things they don’t understand and don’t understand that bad mood they carry around, just bitchin and a moanin’, sucks to everyone else that has to deal with them.
Kinda gonna go Nick Fuentes on this and say the consequences of the boomer generation have been a huge failure. The never ending wars, the smashing through of bad ideas in an effort to take any action instead of inaction, the weird deep seeded sexual shot they constantly spurt, the “if it’s not broke don’t fix it” mentality. They created the monster of the current generations in my opinion. Millennials won’t even wear dress shirts to “not get caught dead in a monkey suit” while zoomers are so over correcting sexual shit they cut off their dicks and put their peepees in poopoo… it’s like we have to let the boomers retire to get them out of the way for it to stop getting bad so we can rebuild…

Yes pretty much. People always blame others to reflect their problems. Once that generation has moved on they'll be forced to realize their problems are their own and self inflicted.

The fact that dubbles aren't checked proves that bots are most thread posters and replies

Which would mean they are almost all in their 70s, which is why I said most are close to 80, as all 70-something people are.

the hate stems from the fact boomers could have helped their children and their children's children thrive more. instead they sold out for boats and a trip to the bahammas. Hope that martini was really good because im gonna dump your ass at the local old folks home and let a nigger slap you around.