Is this accurate?

Attached: Overrated vs Underrated .png (1240x1754, 211.17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Where is peru?

Turkey is a shithole and it is known, who the fuck overrates it?

On the upper list you should add france

China has a bigger population then the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD DURING WORLD WAR 2.


Russia is a shithole.

Overrated and underrated on what?
History? Food? Culture?

who tf overrates this shithole? maybe brazilians

Worst Korea is overrated. Same with Czechia.

Italy and Russia are not overrated.

South America

the world's butthurt belts

Anything but gooks. Koreans are fucking assholes who need to be culled by Nippon cock again.

>baltic niggers
op confirmed retard cocksuking tranny mossad

how the hell is China overrated, everyone knows that they are dirty, dumb commie bugmen living in a huge dystopia

and yeah, we are underrated because it keeps the sandniggers away, let's keep it that way

horny penis

Having the most people doesn't make China any less of a shithole. All it proves is that misery REALLY loves company.

Shhh my former lands
>What are curonians ( vikings)
>What is Kingdom of Lithuania
>What is Grand duchy of Lithuania
>What is Polish - Lithuanian commonwealth

Attached: 375px-Lithuanian_state_in_13-15th_centuries.png (375x524, 219.88K)

jp underated

stop living in the past tard.
>what is lithuania right now
>irrelevant country that solely purpose of existence is bitching about muh gobbunism and russia

Attached: 1475557402015.jpg (486x603, 38.18K)

STFU reggae flag

Attached: 1653249997820.jpg (700x1391, 161.57K)


Oh my sweet summer child, Malaysia is anything but underrated. Bloody country has been under a corrupt feudal stagnation for the last 30 years.

When was the last time you heard of a Malay contributing to scientific or technological advancements?

-t. Malaysian

And I'm pretty sure this map is about history/culture, so the past is very much

>who 2012
We're not even in top 10 anymore
And suicide is based

Attached: 1654817334002.png (960x506, 237.93K)

>And suicide is based
You have the power to turn your fantasy into reality