Gasprom and the EU

>be Poland
>be a leading representation of the EU policies
>scream everywhere muh Russia BAD
>urge every EU member to cut the Russian gas to throw Russia back into "the stone age"
>Russia says OK
>Russia declares that it can't supply enough gas for the EU

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Poles would commit mass suicide if their US overlords convinced them that they will be hurting Russia by doing so.

hitler was right about slavs

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sneed, dilate, seeth, repeat

I thought it had been Germany. Hope the Hungarians are ok though.

For the last 15 years what we called for diversification of sources, you know, something any sane country/person does with their money - not putting all of your eggs in one basket . And guess what, Poland will be completely fine, we got a new pipe to Norway and LNG terminals for mutt/ayyrab gas. You can keep your dinosaur farts for yourself

Whatever, we'll get gas from Norway and theres nothing you nor your krautoid buddies can do about it.

Doesn't matter. Russia sells oil and gas to Arabs then resells it to us.

yeah i bet china will pay the same as EU for your gas when they are your sole contractor now, retard

also it seems that russia is leading itself into a shithole where china will take siberia and europe will fuck up european part of russia. Just watch your back, ruskbro

colonized by chinks in siberia, by muslims in the middle and europe storming your doors in moscov. You dont even have the baltic anymore.

good luck with that gas lol

Buying oil from India is a different matter.

fecal matter

I wish someone would just kill all the polaks. They don't deserve to live.


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fuckem, didn't really know what they where like before this whole deal, now grown to despises them for there retardedness,

You know what is ironic? Germany was planning to become a hub for reselling Russian gas to the countries east of its borders, because it would have the NS1 and NS2 pipelines bringing all the gas everyone needed. But now that Russkie backstabbed their asses Poland is much closer to being the regional gas hub than Germany is. In May this year gas interconnection between Poland and Lithuania started commercial operations and, in this fall, a new pipeline called the Baltic Pipe will be completed that will bring the gas from Norway to Poland via Denmark. Countries like the Czechia, Ukraine and Slovakia are already interested in having some of the capacity of the LNG terminals leased to them and Czechia also wants to build a gas interconnector with Poland.
Good luck with your future dealings with the Chinese, and I mean it. Heard they really don’t like people not keeping their end of the deal.

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Now that is Prime cope

What happened to the Poland "peace corps" that were going to roll into west Ukraine?

You're a retard. As if Poland has this kind of power. Poland lives rent free in ruskies minds. This is indirect struggle between USA, Germany and Russia.

Until germany pays more for that gas and you get fucked. You dont really believe that you can outbid the germans do you?

They're taking back Moldova and you're sucking Ukrocock. That's right, shitpicking budget plumber. Know your betters

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>Russkie backstabbed
LOL, the eternal state of soul damaged kurwak.

Lithuania alone can fulfill 100% of all Baltic countries + Finland needs alone with our lng terminal
Even today huge part of our gas goes to Poland.
Eastern Euro will be fine. If anything, we can begin extracting gas ourselves, all Baltic countries and Eastern Poland are literally one huge basin for shale gas.

Just watched a Polack victim-fantasy movie. Pretending that Russians were ever bad to you is pretty pathetic. You should read about Germany's victimhood at Russia's hands - they don't tell lies in budget films like you "people"

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how does losing leadership in europe feels like

You will give that gas to Germany. EU exists for German economy.

>>yeah i bet china will pay the same as EU for your gas when they are your sole contractor now, retard
europe was getting an absurdly good deal from gazprom because russia wanted to corner that market
well retard, now the gravy train has stopped and so will your industry

>of all Baltic countries + Finland
I think nobody worried about tiny meme city-states. You could fart in a jar and it would be enough for you all.

The worry is about real countries with industrial economies, like Germany. Even if its eventually solves it dependance, the energy prices will never be the same. You cannot have competitive industry and super expensive energy.
Which means all of the remaining industry will leave for Asia.

You can't bid in finished transactions retard.

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Why is it hard for you to believe that Russians would ever be "bad" to another country

We're not getting nuked for you, shitkauskas. You already gave all your weapons away to the other Nazi collaborators/rape victims anyway. Sit the fuck down

We're not buying gas from Norway. We bought the fields themselves and developed our own infrastructure on them. Germany can't outbid us on what already belongs to us.

>Hungarians are ok though.
Orban is attempting to retain Hungary energy sources to themselves before the EU. Guess we will see what happens.

Not if they deserved it.

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>yeah i bet china will pay the same as EU for your gas when they are your sole contractor now, retard
You forgot about South America and India.
Not only are Poles cucks they are also retarded. Fucking nigger tier behavior with a few exceptions of course.

>Now that is Prime cope
Freak out if I ever saw one.

I hope Poland get reintegrated back into Russia so I can enjoy 1 lev cheaper diesel prices.

You're acting like you don't know gas pipeline and other parts of energy systems in whole Europe are fucked up as part of Great Reset

From these past couple of months...
I'd rather deal with a gypsy than a pole.

We didn't go full retard so energy we will have. Problem is, Germany is by far our biggest trading partner so if they get rekt, we get rekt too.

sheeed, psheshete, sheeth, pshesheat

Poland is fine though
> also, difficult times make men strong so Russia can get completely fucked later