I have been wondering about this a lot, which culture/society *isn't* a simp culture?

I have been wondering about this a lot, which culture/society *isn't* a simp culture?

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Buddhist monastery living.

imagine simping in your head

but wait........imagine simping in your head and then actually being a gay pederast


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Wasn't that guy cancelled for rap7ng children?

Why are jews so matriarchal then?

cause females carry parasites that can infiltrate unborn baby

they literally aren't. normally, jewish lineage is patriarchal.
only in separate cases when a woman misceginates and has a child with a foreigner, the lineage switches to female. it's a very clever defense mechanism against foreign males taking our women - even if they do, we still have a claim over the children. it's misogynistic, not matriarchal.

Why is jewish culture so matriarchal?
There's a reason for the stereotype of the jewish cunt mother, user.

Lots, most notably Classical Athens


>modern secularist euro-kikes are a talmudic society
their culture is germanic, which stems from early germanic pagans being extremely matriarchal

Normally in a civilized and stable economy, you have to seduce females with the lure of protection, food, and shiny ornaments.

But in cultures with a rudimentary sense of wealth acquisition (little or no financial ambition past your next meal), vying for a hand of a woman is not deemed a necessity:
"You see, we have to fuck and have babies."
"You have the womb, I have the seeds."
"Food is plentiful here that we don't have to worry about starving too much or save up for harder times"

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that stereotype is only common amongst polish jews

Kek. Wondered why i didnt see his chinktoks being spammed every other thread anymore.

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Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints consider wives property and to be subservient as well.
Nigs tend to simp less than Whites, unfortunately for us

All civilizations are to a degree, civilization was created to protect women, the most precious resource of any tribe

Most major ancient cultures were definitely not simp cultures. Any culture where you could more or less buy some guy’s daughter to be your wife really isn’t a simp culture.

Any Christian that reads bible treats his wife as someone who has to obey.
Blacks are simps too, will smith and such

It's a common misconception. Jews interpret their scripture and law so bizarrely it's.like they're always trying to outsmart god or pilpul a reason why something means the opposite of what it would intuitively imply.
>Sons and daughters of a Jewish mother but a goy father are to be turned away from the tribe
>Sons and daughters of a Jewish man with a gentile mother are not to be turned away
So they go on to say
>Well, ACKCHUALLY,, that means having a Jewish mother but a goy father means you're Jewish, because of you weren't Jewish you wouldn't have the CAPACITY to be "turned away" since you'd already be unlike the Jews among whom.you were born
>But if you have a Jewish father and goy mother, you are NOT to be turned away, which means you aren't a Jew, since only a Jew could be "turned away" from fellow Jews. A non Jew lacks the capacity to be removed from Judaism, as it were.
And that's how it was explained to me, and at that point I decided Jews are so fu of shit they don't even know what the fuck they mean when they speak out of their own mouths.

Will Smith is the king of all simps. But he's just one example.
Blacks simp too but they are significantly less infested with it as white people are these days.