Why do jews hate him?

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Not rhetorical.

Israeli flags encouraged to reply.

might have something to do with this

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the "Divine Mercy" is a heretical practice and Maria Faustina was a liar apostate who just made a bunch of shit up. i dont even think she was tricked by a demon, i think she was just a hysterical roastie who pulled everything out of her ass. her entire diary is her talking about how great she is and it's full of heresy. the Divine Mercy is just a way to displace devotion to the Sacred Heart, it's like the Wal Mart demon version.

14 For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:

15Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:

Because he took pacifism, cowardice, lack of responsibility for moral behavior, a failure to provide wealth and power to your children, and elevated these things to the realm of virtue. It turned a huge swath of humanity into docile, disgusting cows who view submission and giving up as the highest virtue. Which is exactly what it was designed to do. The “Jews” you are referring to, our masters who are not really Jews at all (try to catch a Rothschild or Soros kid reading from the Torah at his bar mitzvah), they love Christianity for the same reasons I despise it.

It is like asking why trinitarians hate non trinitarians; no one likes a heretic.

He is Truth Embodied and jews hate the truth

Not only jews. Imagine you are a jew and you go against eternal merchantry. It's like being a faggot.

He’s gay. Sad!

Jew is a race too, retard. A monolithic identity, stop being intellectually dishonest. You opinion has been discarded

Because he's the man.

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>Why do jews hate him?

I do not know, i am not a jew.
Go to the nearest synagogue and ask there.

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>why do jews hate him
>non jews answer

Keep submitting faggot. Call it moral. Turn the other cheek when the government comes to take your son to sex reassignment surgery at the behest of your ex-wife. Make sure you don’t have any money to pay for lawyers in order to defend your son also because of the whole rich man/camel nonsense. Keep being a bitch. Keep your bloodline of cannon fodder and wagecuck labor pure. Don’t let it be sullied by self respect, loyalty to your children, ambition to do better, or desires for freedom. Just be yourself (a sniveling coward) and beg God to make it better. I’m sure the creator of all things loves weak bitches most of all and rewards them mightily for refusing to take responsibility as men to protect and provide for the freedom, wealth, and power of their families and communities.

Christians disgust me. This is why. And to top it all off, as compensation for a life of self debasement and shame, everyone who does try to live morally and strive for a better life gets burned in torture for eternity. A slave religion is what it is. Built on shame, envy, fear, and weakness. And it allows evil to flourish as weakness always does.

they're still pissed he knocked over all that money in the temple and I think we all know how touchy jews are if you disturb their money making operations

what are your beliefs

They don't

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>Why do jews hate him?
He's a made-up figure, like Emmanuel Goldstein.
Jesus is meant to educate jewish children about the dangers of straying away from Judaism and embracing cult religions like Christianity.

where the fuck is the webm thread?
Does anyone remember a street interviewer in the ghetto getting redpilled on the protocols of the elders? Seemed like the whole block knew about it and the documentarian shot the whole thing lol I thought it was Theroux's Weird Weekends because he has a Black Israelites episode but that's not it