Fuck your theocracy

How do we save the west from the clutches of christian fascism?

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Is that Jon Stewart?

(((christian fascism)))

Abolish the 19th amendment
Ban abortion
Ban no-fault divorce
Criminalize adultery
Make universities cosign all student loans
Ban social media for anyone under 25 and for women entirely
Ban porn
Ban egg freezing
Ban sterilization procedures
Ban birth control
Ban LGBT imagery, themes, and narratives in the media
Establish an oversight board that approves or denies any and all media productions according to whether it benefits the soul of the nation
Mandatory universal military conscription (for men)

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Christians are one notch above woke faggots. Even fedora atheists are far more tolerable because they are still capable of logic behind all that edge.
Christianity is on its way out in the west because we are evolving past needing a schizophrenic jew God to be our eternal sky daddy and have the intellectual capacity to explain events without resorting to calling everything a miracle.

Godless communism!

And every christian in any relevant position in the hierarchy of this jesuit/freemason junta is big nosed or have obvious jewish ancestry, and concern troll a lot while protecting their cousins and ruining everything else.


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You dont

You don’t. It’s over. I give up.

That’s the Jew Barbara Spectre

OP and the alternative is communist psychopath "utopia"? take a hike

alternative is not allowing religion to have any say in public life - if you want to justify your conduct - you need to do better than just saying "magic man made me"

you don’t.

Oh look, an evil medusakike.

iEhh this is bait but if we are under any kind of fascism it would be Jewish fascism.

>Noahide Laws

Guess what the punishment is for transgressing the Noahide Laws are when you worship a "false idol" like Jesus Christ?


Trump back brought Christmas into the White House; Obama continued Hanukah. And of course AIPAC is the biggest lobby in Congress anyway.

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let's keep all religion out of the country - but a majority of senators are christians - do you deny this? You would need at least 60 people to defy the christian conservative agenda to pass new laws - and that's obviously impossible at the current moment.

reverse the 1965 Immigration Act. Hell I'd even just send all non-whites back lmfao.

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gas the jews

how about posting SNEED memes and targeting the illuminati freemasons instead?
You fucking utter retards....

Nah, that’s jewish too.

The altered is zero jews but this board is almost exclusively them and their minions.

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>eternal sky daddy
Sorry God isn't Zeus. Zeus is nature-pagan worship, God is Creator of nature worship. Also, science worship is just a modern pagan worship but this time instead of Zeus as the explanation for lightning, it's a scientific reason. Theory of evolution is science's main mythology.

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no shes catholic, post sneed memes

* The alternative is

replace white christians with relatively docile brown ppl until christian fascism can be abolished and people can actually have civil rights without bowing to theocratic fascists

Then it's satanic public life. You might as well be a satanic-Bolshevik then.

satan isn't real - imaginary stories are not a valid argument


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