Renewable energy

Someone explain to me why this isn’t already the main source of energy for developed countries? Hydro, wind, solar, tidal… I don’t see why anyone would be against it. I know the climate tards are annoying but they have more than a point. Oil won’t last forever and that shit pollutes. It should be a tenet of right-wing ideology to protect and preserve the natural environment God gave us.

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>no mention of nuclear power
Kill yourself

Negative energy production. Could work but no real model yet
You need to keep the juice at a certain range on all times. You can't rely on energy that can just shut off spontaneously

I would gladly steal 20 years of my grand kids lives for every day of my comfort.

Any thing that changes and makes my life even a bit worse is bad.

>*blocks your solar panel*

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Because people are morons and don't realize the only thing they have that ayys would value is the planet.

This. Anything else is fucking cope there fucking billions of people, what the fuck are we going to do? Put batteries in everyone's house?

Do you know how much our slaves would need to increase cobalt mining to meet this?

I fucki g hate tree huggers. All talk no action, or just childish people

1. It's not as good
2. It's too expensive.
3. The infrastructure doesn't exist and won't exist for decades.

always check the image id anons. this is a
data mining post by a shillbot, sage and ignore.

we have zero point technology. problem, yup you right, but its antisemetic to talk about it

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nuclear is the only viable green energy

This. I’d rather have 1000 atomic power plants than another dam fucking up the ecosystem on the Colorado River.

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Nuclear scares the shit out of me frankly. Too many things can and do go wrong.

I’m a phoneposter daft cunt

Then work on the infrastructure. When the train was invented the railways didn’t just spring up, they were built. When air travel became viable for the masses we built airports.

>Transfer even more wealth and power to green energy cronies
No. They have more than enough.

nuclear is the best and pretty awesome in itself, but, lets keep in mind all those facilities will be run by retarded sub 80 IQ shitskins and niggers. just like air traffic control lowering its standards to allow the same retard shitskins into those jobs.

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Someone’s got to build it.

>Nuclear scares the shit out of me frankly. Too many things can and do go wrong.

Then you're retarded and bought into literal propaganda by oil and gas companies.

>I've talked to right wingers. They eem like they'd sell the soul of their grandchildren so capitalists can continue to maintain profit.

Ask the green faggots

fuck all of them


They don't work, only nuclear does. You'll note that almost all of these "developed" nations are shuttering their nuclear plants, not opening more. It's not about the environment.

Wind is okay.. takes 5 years to actually generate a profit but they look better than solar panels.