Brit/pol/ - Can't Sleep Early Bake Edish'

>Everything is miserable

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Anglo subhuman inbred vermin. Kys.

calm down they know all that and wont debate it . but do you want more tory representation in the government right now? your there right my say doesnt matter what do you want

It's funny how you lot complain about the tories and labour

WELL how about you lot start to stand for parliament come on mongs stand for FUCKING parliament

Oh wait you won't because you'll be humiliated at any election and if any or you were to stand for a seat it would be funny to see your face when they announce the results while you're standing next to the raving loony and tory candidate


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>your there right my say doesnt matter what do you want
Absolute state of this

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Anyway, hope josh dies shingles this year

>daft fucking cunt me

Were you dropped as a baby?

*AHEM* I guarantee you I have done more for the white community in the last 10 years through my dealings with other people's families and giving hardline absolute spot on advice than you will ever do in your entire life. the amount of people who respect me and look up to me would shock you. you have zero people who look up to you and if you do, which you don't, certainly not for any reasons relating to rebuilding community, or anything else that actually matters


Da fuk is a tori?

lads why

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Conservative party = Tory
They're not like your conservatives tho, they only want to conserve their own wealth and paki semen

>Real time travel updates
>Time travel
Lads what the fuck. Geordies are time travelling while London melts
Has levelling up gone too far?

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Looks like they've gone metrosexual


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Love to see faggot tranny metro carriages driving through Meadowell. The lads would shut that shit down.

>the armed forces are proud to be leading the celebrations
When did they not ever lead the """celebrations"""

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but it isnt even faggot month anymore, why are they still displaying tranny flags?

State mandated sodomy appreciation year mate. Asda still has the tranny wog slag on the website.

Flag not slag*

Burgers have their own faggot month. We faggots have it later

>armed forces
More like ahmed forces at this poin, eh lads?

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All the faggots were mass mincing last Saturday in town
Think you missed it

Is the UK really going to have a paki prime minister? What the actual fuck?
And in this case the paki seems more competent than the retard Lizz Truss

>Think you missed it
Probably because it was just your regular Saturday night out, tbf lad

Trains is hard job.

The frogs are burning lads lmao.

nigger train coming though

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>will Ssovakia's yearly climbing rate of HIV cases ever drop and will they finally have safe drink water? What the actual fuck?

We're getting a paki PM, and you're always gonna be the african-tier arsehole of yurop, Holic