US balkanization

I think there is a decent chance that the United States will be broken up during or after a major economic crisis, or an engineered constitutional crisis.

How should we draw the lines?

Attached: MapofEmergingUSMegaregions.png (2494x1662, 1.55M)

Cities and some suburbs vs everything else. This isn’t going to be state by state by the time it’s done. It’s going to look more like pic related. Texas won’t be able to keep cities like Austin, which will immediately secede from Texas and rejoin the US.

Attached: 81DC3A89-C8CE-4A39-BADA-95D91AD547E6.jpg (1602x1772, 357.09K)

It's going to be hell on Earth. Can you imagine trying to fucking get food and basic necessities after this?

Texas and California should go back to Mexico.

Attached: 1523492327237.jpg (479x251, 35.27K)

Mexican people are hard working and natural fighters. Us whites are doughy and weak. A race of pedophiles that have severe mental illness.

>cities like Austin, which will immediately secede from Texas and rejoin the US.
Except nothing from history indicates that would be accepted as a possibility. If Texas secedes, the people who cant take it leave, or adapt.

You can have everything under San Fransisco, good luck trying to supply it.

Go conquer Central America and we’ll talk.

If we're redrawing borders based on arbitrary timelines, perhaps Mexico should go back to Spain

Where the fuck is my Appalachia Nation?

Checked and kill yourself, rabbi.

Is this what whites will do? Is the parallel society our only hope? Kikes and corporate interests will shut down any one nation that tries to rise up with ZOG bots. I see it coming down to decentralized factions with the aid of high tech. White engineers employing AI and new decentralized internet.

i unironically agree that texas, arizona, new mexico, and socal should be inhabited by the upper class mexicans. i live in DFW right now and i can say for certain that if you even want to live in this hellfire climate, you aren't white anyway. that being said, mexico should be annexed and directly governed by the US, without any citizenship or statehood privileges.

I masturbate to interracial pornography.

Are you really trying to use history to explain something that hasn’t happened in our history? This scenario isn’t anything like the original civil war. This is a much different ballgame. it’s also why I don’t even think the idea of the country Balkanizing and splitting up is going to happen.

map thread?

Attached: north america.jpg (2820x3323, 2.55M)

Attached: Revolution-map-of-US_1500x844.jpg (1500x844, 157.37K)

It’s a cope. You don’t escape an overbearing international clique by just splitting off. We either take society back or we fail. There is no running. There is no future for parallel societies. They must be defeated or they eventually win it all.

We will not give up any territory without a fight, you fucking kike.

if the USA is the next white country to chimp out like Germany did, the kikes will not be able to stop us with military force, it's logistically impossible. the USA is most likely going to balkanize in some fashion, hopefully only temporarily, and the federal government will probably stay somewhat afloat. our primary goal needs to be the preservation of the union and american hegemony, seizing the power for ourselves.

>Confederacy includes the blackest cities.
Do not want.

If humanity is in a perpetual state of civilizations rising and falling, I don't understand why this would be any different, and therefore I don't think I'm trying to cope. If anything I am being aware of the clear and present economic collapse that is upon us and I am trying to do what I can to prepare myself and the community around me. If I were coping I think I'd deny what's happening or come up with some other bullshit excuse. If anything I am trying to continually ask myself what I'm doing for my fellow man and woman, and I am reminding myself that the only way out of this mess is through it, whatever that may look like.

Plains nation and Texas look cozy in this map.

Really? And what does a balkanization look like?
How do you figure that would even begin? Would it start with some kind of oppressive state enforced violence against whites? Food supply issues? nigs?

I think the US chimps out. Since WW2, the idea of America, its founders, its law code, have been heavily propagandized into the very soul of Americans. There is a deep seeded nationalism in there, as cringe as it would be, that goes even further than Nazi Germany. Them trying to erase this history doesn’t take that away. Replace Trump in 2016 with the fascist they said he was and we’re in an American Renaissance right now. That’s why they’re so insistent on stamping this populism out and pushing ideas like separating as if a peaceful separation is feasible.

Do you think it's fair to say that populism is becoming a force to be reckoned with and do you think the stamping out of it by media and kikes is making people more aggressive?

>And what does a balkanization look like?
Continuous public perception that elections are fraudulent, coupled with ever more extreme political rhetoric and divisive policies. Then, a major constitutional crisis and a convention resulting in broad consensus among political leaders to divide.

it would come down to states v the federal government. here's how i imagine it going down: thing swill get progressively worse even than they are now. we live in a country where young fighting age white men are basically fucked, they're kept out of high-paying jobs, denied social support, can't afford houses, food is getting expensive, shit fucking sucks and it's damn near impossible to get ahead of it. as thing get worse, we are inevitably going to start collectivising simply in order to survive. compounds will pop up, tent encampments, communal living, ruby ridge/waco type shit.


now imagine you wanted to start some kind of group, not even a militia or anything, just a collective organization for support. you gather people and funds and buy land, build houses, you separate yourself and the federal government sees this. they are not going to like it. you know they aren't going to like. they are going to come fuck with you no matter what. you're a leader, what do you do when you have these two options: 1) get a hsitload of guns and ammo on your compound to feel safe and secure and be able to defend yourself in the event of the ATF coming to burn your children or 2) you forbid all firearms, logic being that if you have no guns, the feds will have nothing against you. do you really think the feds would have no problem with you? i know i would want guns. and if the feds showed up, i would not surrender them and we are at a point where everyone knows that if the feds show up it's life or death, there is no reasoning with them, so there are going to be people who openly fight back against the feds. the rub lies in what the states these events occur in choose to do. say some fucked up shit goes down in Texas and a community of 100 people fights back against the feds and actually repels them. Texas is going to have to choose whether to send their national guard troops after the feds or the civilians, and if a group of men can show that they can fight off the feds, it's likely that random boomers will show up as reinforcements and that shit could escalate rapidly.


Yeah, it will be split between russia and china. Texas will be donated to mexico