Christcucks in 2022

Based black man HUMILIATED a pedo priest in France knowing Christians are too weak and cucked to do something about it:

I'm laughing with my Pagan ancestors that were killed by your jew on a cross.

Christianity deserves this and a lot MORE for all the diseases and genocides it brought to the world.

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Should’ve done what Jesus would’ve done and whipped that fucking nigger

Why do you repeadly spam this thread? Some nigger that looks and acts just like you monkeying around just makes the nigger look bad. You aren't a pagan and the only paganisim your very distant ancestors followed was african animism.

I'm actually indigenous, my ancestors had been here for thousands of years until cucked whites brought that Jewish monster on a cross to destroy our culture, society, economy and even women.

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Man it would be cool tk send that nigger to hell

In real life fuck niggers

There are no pure feather niggers in brazil. There weren't many to begin with hundreds of years ago. You're a mulatto negroid abomination. A mystery meat mixture of all kinds of subhuman genetic material. You have no people no culture no roots or traditions of your own and you lash out at those who do. Youre a pathetic creature because you know youre a crime against nature and by any right you shouldn't even exist. You're aware of this because you're on Any Forums larping as a nazi. Desperately seeking approval from an ideology that sees your very existence as abomination. You don't have the right to criticize whites or white civilization in any way. You're too low a form of life for that.


Christian pacifism is nauseating.

And what is your religion? How do you worship your gods? What are your cultures, traditions, holidays, rules?

were they really "cucked" if they conquered your sinful pagan culture and brought you the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Christians would never dare lift a finger against them

You can’t be both Christian and oppose niggers. You’re just a faggot hypocrite

It wasn't an humilliation, it was a test
The Lord sent him to test the padre's faith

Remember the Book of Job


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fuck christkikes. Israel wouldn't exist without them.

Fuck Job
Fuck Christians

>a pedo priest in France
FUCK OFF AND SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH MONKEY DISGUSTING. You atheist are the true satanist pedo, faggots, and all that shit. You deserve die in agony


Denying Christ is literally the most jewish thing you can do

The same way zogbots are cucked and die in foreign wars for Israel. Like soldiers dying in Iraq or Afghanistan. Sure, zog "won", but you're still a moronic cuck for being zog's cannon fodder. Christians were quite literally the first zogbots who spread the Torah and many of them died while doing so.

>you're a jew if you don't worship my jew
Gotcha. You lost the arguement. Thread is finished.

Jesus was the son of the Lord
He wasn't even human

Based and christcuckpilled.

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catholics dont teach the gospel though
catholicism is just repackaged paganism with bible characters

You deserve hell for your sins, but christ payed for them in your stead, so that you can go to heaven for free; IF you believe it.

ok christ kinda died for the sins, but it doesnt really do anything until you are baptized, repent of your sins & confess them, eat the god bread, take part in the eucharist, go to church - and if you sin again you are back to hell
it's a cult and nothing else
also dont even get me started on mary and her statues


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this is why we need to gas every single one of you. *you're* not human anymore.

funny how you mention the Torah and not the New Testament which most Jews hate and revile.

I see, HaSatan speaks through you

you will know him by his deeds

Now that the "repel the invader" part is completely gone, it's a dead religion, going the way of paganism. Understand?

we need to gas you disingenuous fucks

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Romans 4:5
5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
>NOOO actually you also have to do XYZ and follow my cultist rules for this to count; or if you had real faith you would have followed my cult rules and joined my cult

jesus would strangle the priest before whipping out the nigger. traitors get the bullet first.

Like I said, christians are zogbots

Christians are not unlike their cousins, the judeo-liberals. Getting fucked over by the pets that they brought over.

Christians are often closeted homos, too

>it doesnt really do anything until you are baptized,
read the bible, Jesus says this in own words
>repent of your sins & confess them
again, Jesus calls us to repentance and james 5:16 says to confess our sins
>eat the god bread
"Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them. 57 Just as the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever eats me will live because of me. "
> sin again you are back to hell
"No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish" 1 Cor. 6:9–10

funny how easily all your protestant heresies are disproven by the bible. Catholicism is biblical Christianity

Guys, I'm sorry for this brazillian piece of shit diseased votador do Lula filho de cabeleireira puta.

We are not like this. About 80% of our country is either christian or catholic, but there are still some fucks like this diseased person that needs to be culled.

>read the bible, Jesus says this in own words
you mean a jew wrote it in a book

>Catholicism is biblical Christianity
show me a single verse that says mary was sinnless

poof your entire cult just went up in flames

also lets just conveniently ignore that not even catholics deny that the pope is a satanist

I don’t have to, I have 2000 years of holy tradition. You’re clutching at straws now

Based. fuck jew worshippers

Not even close to the amount of people killed by communism

You'll die at the hands of abrahamics just like the faggot pagans in Azog.

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"I don’t have to"
yeah because its not in there - and because you cling to your retarded cult traditions instead of Gods word, atleast you admit it.