Two biggest economies and most important countries in Latin America

>Two biggest economies and most important countries in Latin America
>Tons of resources and potential
>And yet, both have very distant and cold relations


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One thinks the other is not white but they are

We don't have that much in common, specially interests


If we join, we would be strong.
The jews dont want an strong latin america, they dont allow it.

This, and distance + geography.

mexico seems to be very far from the new brazilian conservative movement, we are trying to make something new here, leaving the bad international agreements and socialist agendas behind, i mean, are you guys ready for that? its not that i dont solidarize for you mexicans i just dont hear much about you guys on media and i hate the old mentality, join the revolution mexibro, i'd love to fight along you

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Portuguese fucks Brazil from having any real connection with other SA countries.

Far apart and no things in common

Jwws or americans

These 2 were fighting last night because shitskins always revolt every 50 years

brazil is based

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Dude, like conservative I can tell you that every conservative politician here, it's really to sell the country to the gringos.

>muh language
literally any anglo song is more popular here than despacito

Mexico generally is closer to the US than to South America. Brazil itself has only had meaningful relations with the Platine nations and Chile, the rest of the continent being terra incognita for us (at least until recently). That said, I think Mexico would be a wonderful addition to the BRICS+.

Conservatism means a different thing here. Bolsonaro has many faults, but he's no establishment politician. By what I've seen about your country, the anti-establishment cause in Mexico is sustained by the Left (remarkably more nationalist than its Brazilian counterpart).

the problem is, everytime i hear about brazil and mexico together is about some sort of deal that LULA did, he even used to talk with venezuela pretending that nothing is happening in venezuela... meanwhile venezuelans killing cows with sticks and rocks soo they can eat...
ha, this crazy dog LULA fucked 2 decades of this country with bad alliances

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>Latin America
we are hispanic-americans
>Tons of resources and potential
stealed by the anglosphere
>And yet, both have very distant and cold relations
because the are liberal idiots, modernity is the age of eeuu and anglo protestant culture. If we want eradicate globohomo then we must reject modernity

>we are hispanic-americans
Brazil is Luso American.

A shithole sells commodities (and every shithole already has them) and buys manufactured goods (that shitholes don’t have or have only garbage).
There are international problems (oil cartels, the dollar, international crime, financial nonsense, …) that are something they could share interests in common, but those countries are masses of idiots led by jews and those topics aren’t kosher.

Sometimes a shithole sells its overpriced garbage to another shithole, then bankrupts the local shitty industrial production, it happens between Brazil and Argentina all the time.

On Brazil's side at least, I would say that's because a lot of exchanges between Brasil and Mexico happened in Lula's mandate like said. And recently anything connected with Lula is... unpopular.

Which i think is a shame because both countries would probably benefit from exchanging some ideas regarding crime fighting. Since both suffer problems with criminal factions/drug cartels.

Tfw no Brazilian gf obsessed with anal

Why even live


Mexico has to comply to the US agenda for obvious reasons both economical and political

On the other hand Brazil has the Brics agenda .

Mexico can not stablish any kind of good relations without commiting financial suicide

Everyday I remind myself how retarded Mexicans are.0p

Sounds gay (and it is, politics is a circlejerk of very feminine people bring bitchy).

They aren’t that different at all, everyone in both cases are the same big nosed idiots and they want the same things.

* being bitchy

There are some small frequent faggy infighting over gibsmedats (sales of overpriced commodities, tariffs, …), but essentially they are the same.

Yes they are that different
This is a ideological and power game.

Mexico is forced to comply with the western and globohomo agenda due to economical agreements and political influence by the US

On the other hand Brazil is mostly on the other Jew side to put it simple.

Medico can not stablish important relationships with Brazil or china or Russia without the us absolutely burning the country

It's actually very simple