Legalize Brothels

Why are we not pushing for legalization of brothels? Eurofags enjoy a nice fraulein frolock, even zipperheads can get their dick wet. As a redblooded american male the best we can get is watching some IG thot or onlyfans whore fart into a coffee mug.

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Fake and gay picture. Kill yourself kike.

They are legal outside Clark County Nevada. Good enough. $200 RT flights on Spirit gets you there, but you'll have to ride with NIGGERS.


Gets no love.

You share karma with those you chose
To sleep with
Please be careful anons
Whores arent worth it

Nevada has a monopoly on whores and charges like 1k per girl. Just go to Mexico instead

I want to hit some distressed and distended box as easy as I hit the value menu at Carls Jr. user.

What made brothels less degenerate in the past is that many women who worked in them did so because they were orphaned or abandoned and left with no other work. So you get a house full of women with childish mindsets that you can have sex with. It was also not just selling the experience of sex, but companionship too (and the childish mindset helped with just wanting to be close to someone).

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I would never spend any money for sex and I pity those who do.

Declare war on incels. They don't need to be here anyway passing their incel genes forward doing absolute jack for society.

it's actually from a dvd that i saw

Whores not for me. Imagine how many niggers they've fucked.

Every 2 weeks fucking a new 9/10 for $200-300 is a small price to pay to keep my sanity and avoid being a simp.

Based and sneedvillepilled

Thats about what i pay in dinners/shows
To smash youre paying one way or
Another i think the benifit of a gf is
I dont have to worry about disease
And i dont mind being around her (much)

Why do these incels worry about if a bitch before them has has been BLACKED before? The pussy should be well seasoned for you now.

Thank feminists & puritans for banning brothels.

Because of them, blame all of the incel mass shootings.

I use prostitutes in the US (mainly Los Angeles and Minneapolis) and its a huge difference in seeing porn and actually having sex. Like the difference between seeing someone eat a steak and actually having one yourself.

It being illegal makes it a huge hassle in scheduling with a whore, instead of walking into a brothel and having a whore right there instead of standing you up or canceling at the last minute. It would also probably be cheaper like in Europe. I'm so jealous that they can get some model-quality pussy (probably from Russia) for like $300 USD per hour while it would be closer to $600-$800 USD right now in the US.

Even though I fully support taking away women's independence and returning women back to the status of property, I still would fully support the legalization of prostitution as I see it as a necessary evil (they can do it with permission from their husband). Because without sex, men become crazy and become incel mass shooters.

Afterwards we can use mass surrogacy and artificial wombs to give every family with a son a beautiful loli who would be raised to be the future wife of the son and would be brainwashed by the parents to be super loyal and loving to the son.

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The second half of your post is 2/3rds based. The rest is just technically correct and wouldn't be too bad. I like the lack of rights and freedoms for women, 'cuz that's their natural lot in life. But I don't like self cucking husbands, and I don't think that men without sex become crazy.
However, you more than redeemed yourself with childhood friend loli wives.

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Enjoy fucking your fented-up Natives in a Coleman tent a block off Lake Street. If you lay on your back & have her ride you then you don't have to worry about some east African knock-off brand nigger shoot you for TikTok clout while the MPD watches

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In a scale of one to ten, how much of a fucking loser are you?

I'm a 37 yr old bartender. I work at a hugely popular late night cocktail bar and I watch 22 yr old females walk out with absolute fucking nobs. I'm married with a child, I don't fuck with these hos anymore but the amount of pussy that gets thrown my way I'd absurd. I decline obviously because I'm no degen. I'm like a 7/10.

I just don't see the point in prostitution, these girls are so fucking easy it's not even funny. Just be normal and try to be funny. That's literally it. They'll ride your dick in the piss infested alley, they don't care. Just be normal and funny and try not to hump their leg like a spazzy horndogging nigger....