Defeatist mindset

How do we prevent defeatist mindsets in our societies?

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There's no jobs, and it's the defeatist mindsets that are the problem.


I’ll never get digits.

Lifting is a fucking meme designed to waste your time. Do really think in a war scenario, combat, scenario, or SHTF scenario, or plain just every day life scenario its beneficial to have to carry around all that muscle? Body builders are the most likely demographic to have heart attacks. Take the /lean/ pill. You will be much stronger, visibly and energetically if you eat raw veggies & fruits 6 days a week, and eat meat only on Sundays I promise you.

by promoting healthy diets and exercise so people have normal hormone levels.

Quit being bad at this.

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Be born rich.

I do both of these on the job but never do them out

You're an absolute faggot.

This. Cardio and bodyweight exercises to that you can maneuver in any situation. PS I'm 400 lb

Most people actually will never use beyond grade school mates, like many things it's just time-wasting bullshit to keep kids in school too long

Incorporate exercise into your life and you'll never need to walk into a gym. e.g. try walking.

Nope but usually do.

>be defeated by kikes
>kikes remind you of this 1000 ways every day forever
>feel defeated
a mystery for the ages indeed

They are both right tho, there are way better used for their time
Like practicing what they will work at and hauling heavy stuff

Nah. Understanding at least up to calculus enriches your understanding of the universe. It literally makes you smarter and better able to figure out how things work. As long as you actually get it and don't just memorize the steps and formulas without purpose.

>tfw pic related is me in the army. I'm just a buff nerd

It doesn't take much to look good though. I'm too cheap and lazy to go to a gym again and all I have are 20 pound dumbbells from high school(also to cheap to buy a higher amount even though I want that) and just 25 min including push ups 3-5 times a week gets me good shoulders and arms fast. Every time I walk around in just a tank top outside girls are mirin. Even if just 3 times a week.

Oh, and you also feel really good after and in general.

top panel is why i ditched school every day
bottom panel is why i dont ever go to the gym
0.15 GPA and my best bench was 205lbs
white as snow

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Remind Whites of our superiority.

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Why am I fapping to girls when I only pound bussy irl?