So this dude claims China will collapse in the imminent future, mainly due to demographics. The country will be torn to pieces with famines claiming about 500 million lives.
How realistic does this sound?

Attached: HF-Ep124_Peter_Zeihan-768x768.jpg (768x768, 63.35K)

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I don't trust Zeihan at all.

he predicted the ukrainian war

Commanding heights economies are terribly fragile.
The collapse planners overlooked this, lol.

Sounds good!

Attached: 1DCF05B4-1B54-463F-89E4-5C4ECC9A9991.jpg (1284x1845, 826.27K)

Sounds like massive cope

he's been predicting china's collapse since 2005. here's an article from 2010 where he predicted it would collapse before 2020

Attached: col3.png (1318x780, 943.34K)

There is subtlety in economics.
Imagine a chess game where you say "Aha! I can take his Queen!", then in the next move you are checkmated.

his whole premise stands on soviet trained engineers dying by the age of 59 due to alcoholism.
but the life expectancy for male Russians is 73.
so by his theory Russia should start crumbling in 2034, not 2020.

American (((experts))) have been predicting China's collapse literally for decades.
It's how they cope.

>American (((experts))) have been predicting China's collapse
The (((investor class))) has been outsourcing manufacturing to China and rely on its continued existence.

White people and the NATO war machine has been constantly parroting that china will collapse in the next... 2 weeks... and so far China is getting stronger while the white countries are getting fucked by crippling debt, unproductivity and self-inflicted damage.


And the reason for this is that they look at the world from a liberal perspective, which they share with Marxists. If you assume that people are all equally capable and individualist, then you will reach wrong conclusions about the world. The Han hegemony and their racial superiority over many parts of the world will aid China in the conflicts to come.

just in: the left discovers demographics. doesnt know what to do with it

oh ya that was real hard kek.

He is a sensationalist trying to sell his shit books not a serious geopolitical analyst, he lies deliberately about numbers from China, uses graphs he made up etc, China will have issues with their demographics in the near future tho

Peter Zeihan is a geopolitical genius and his IQ is estimated to be around 170+
He is Nostradamus reincarnated.
All of his predictions are substantiated and based on FACTS only.
Check out his latest book "The End of the World is Just the Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalization". It is out now on Amazon.
Dude is a genius.

Sure thing Peter!! Will definitely buy your book.

> doesn't mention peter zeihan at all
why do you think china will last forever?
please give me a reason that wasn't given to you by wang chang zhang ccp peopre's commisar

> rely on it's continued existence
sucks to be them lol
lmao I hope the (((investors))) covered their asses
countless boomer 401ks depend on those companies

Ok. But I think he's a glowie.

Blackrock real-estate purchaser goes brrrrr...
Mortgage Backed Securities stay safe.

Hi Pete

only china bots try to discredit zeihan even though everything he has predicted on them is coming true just on slightly delayed timelines from his initial prdictions