The goyim still don't know

Did you know that since 2008 it's become a huge industry for lawyers to advise companies on all the ways to avoid hiring whites? This is so they can outsource to foreign and visa labor at 15% the cost of hiring citizens. Of course there are laws against this kind of discrimination, but that's why lawyers make the big bucks -- to figure out how to rig the legal system. And the top lawyer in the "don't hire whitey" business is from what ethnicity, can you guess?

Attached: immigrant worker green card fraud lawyer low wages for americans h1b visas.png (1084x1442, 1.37M)

Other urls found in this thread:

also, have something similar about jews

Imagine that. They just openly brag and gloat. Just imagine being able to gloat about it. Imagine.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-07 at 23-24-57 1657259754557.jpg (JPEG Image 3126 × 3454 pixels) — Scaled (26%).png (841x930, 665.17K)

Holy shit

this is anti-semitic

When you hear them say "SHORTAGE OF WORKERS" in the media, it's code for this discrimination. It means they're doing a big push to replace white workforce with outsource labor.


Thanks m8, feel free to drop ethnic class warfare pills

Attached: Capitalists want mass immigration.png (765x768, 299.89K)

I am sure they all have a minecraft server we can visit.

>just learn to code bro
Fuck learning to code, just put "nigger faggot trans-abled Somalian" on your resume. That seems to be all they want.

Attached: 1657913576889.jpg (1024x809, 107.4K)

Attached: MASS IMMIGRATION IS CLASS WARFARE.png (595x842, 19.04K)


From 15 years ago and worth a bump

if youre a white guy you better be indispensable and show up to work on time every day and do whatever youre told no questions asked. period. or we'll pick someone who gets the job done for cheap and does what we need to get done

The white guy wants big salary, because he has to worry about taxes, 401k, insurance, social security, student loans, expensive lifestyle, all this stuff. You get some high achieving STEM students from India or China who have some background with science and are dedicated and studious, who dont have all these entitlements the white american has. They understand the meaning of hard work and theyre less costly because theres not as many regulations in the way with foreign workers vs domestic.

Listen you want this economy to keep running like a well oiled machine? You want cheap goods and consistently progressing innovation? Then we need more immigrant labor and as little restraint as possible to maximize our ability to achieve high productivity and good profit margins. Otherwise, prepare to pay an assload for something new and useful. The government's regulations are holding back economic progress in favor of placating entitled white racists scared of non whites and wanting to maintain hegemony. The 20th century is over, get used to it, and learn how to run a business and sell a product, or work for what you are actually worth without thinking you deserve more just for existing as a white american. I run a startup, and I reiterate, I tend to avoid whites for Chinese and Indian workers. I'd rather hire African migrants as well. White is last resort, because you get mid quality work for high quality prices and they just don't generate that kind of value.

This isn't new to me. I really don't care. I just want out of this country.

I know people who were what you described and they were still kicked to the curb. Jews will always have a chip on their shoulder and that's why they need to disappear.

>Otherwise, prepare to pay an assload for something new and useful
With what money? From what job? You deserve death for this parasitism, you will never be an American, and there are no words that properly convey my hatred for you. Watch your back.

Fuck innovation and the neverending strive for useless progress. I dont want the iphone xy15428. Neighter 5g nor a smartfrige to play fortnite on.
Rather focus on quality and live an honest and good and comfy life, and deal with the real problems.
Fuck all of the faggot consumerism there is no soul and there is no purpose.

Attached: 1651851810524.jpg (753x707, 331.2K)

The merchant class needs to be removed from the Earth. Every one of them. Every person with a materialist worldview. Every entrepreneur. Every business person. Every petty shopkeeper. Every hustler. Every banker and so forth. Every single one. They need to go. They’ve metastasized into a terminal cancer that’s ruined the planet, ruined interpersonal relations, meaning, and beauty.

Not my problem, I'm black and am enjoying my job which I would not have gotten if it wasn't for affirmitive action.

Not my problemmmmmmmm