What would be the effect of user leaving Any Forums and Any Forums forever and never return?

What would be the effect of user leaving Any Forums and Any Forums forever and never return?

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the joooos would win

How would we know if he never comes back to talk about it?

From user's perspective, the afterlife to Any Forums and Any Forums is life itself. Does it exist?

I would like it

I keep coming back when I have nothing better to do.

Your life would be better assuming you don't replace it with talmudvision.

After that brief stint on 4+4 chan it took forever to clean up the mess here.

It would mean that the internet got shut down because this place is glowies decentralized intelligence agency network


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As prophesized by Kek whose words are inscribed in OP's pic, you are now free.

You too brotha' is be free.

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It might make you happier for a little bit being blissfully ignorant of the world around you but, the world would continue down its path so you'd still be caught up in it in the end. You'd just be unprepared.

>T., addict.

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I want to be freeeeee.

Don't ask questions if you don't want an answer.

Rolling to be put back into the matrix.

>What would be the effect of user leaving Any Forums and Any Forums forever and never return?

Then bots would just talk to each other, insult each other, cringe on each other.

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We need you user. Stick around, and you’ll find out. It’s going to be beautiful.

You can never go back to sleep. I left at the tail end of 2019 to give my mind a break from being constantly mad. It helped, but life's bullshit drug me back in.

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A rare pepe for you my kind user knee grow.

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How long were you aware?
What helped you abstain?
What kind of bullshit made you type this dreaded address and push the button, user?

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I've been racially conscious since I was a kid, always knew the "races" were actually subspecies and we were not all equal. Going to public school surrounded by groids helped. Unfortunately I admit I'm a GamerGate newfag, but I was aware of this place far before that. This place helped me find what my worldview was actually called: fascism. I found I was not alone.

The ultimate question is will I ever be liberated from the curse of being compelled to visit this blackest of pilled shite by the power of doubles or will I forever be haunted by unbearable truth after unbearable truth?

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