Brit/pol/ - Final Four edition

>Tom Tugendhat has been knocked out of the Tory leadership race after only receiving 31 votes in the third round of the vote.

>Graham Brady said 357 votes were cast in the third round of the vote.

>The results for the other candidates are as follows: Kemi Badenoch received 58, Penny Mordaunt got 82, Rishi Sunak got 115 and Liz Truss received 71.

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can't believe its still fucking boiling

First for Native Briton's thread

kek rorke is TERRIFIED of his inevitable BAME tory PM

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How do you intend to have kids exactly?

>this confuses and scares the britfag

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Sex mentioned lol


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by having sex mate

Better to go out and spend time under the shade of the forest than pay ACberg a penny, mutt.

Who cares anymore

But you said you don't want to be with any women?

told you the seethe would be glorious when I start putting myself out there again

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yeah I don't wanna be in a relationship
you don't have to be in a relationship to have sex and raise kids
you can live independently and still have sex + live up to your responsibilities of fatherhood

reply to this post if you work for MI5

Your kids would be ugly faggot nonces just like their ugly faggot nonce dad, good job you can only get hard for transvestite shit pipes, fucked up loser

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What, like living separately from your kids?

Hello fellow Civic Nationalists, have you seen the latest media headlines? Outrageous. Am I right?!

>you don't have to be in a relationship to have sex and raise kids
>you can live independently and still have sex + live up to your responsibilities of fatherhood
based and deadbeat-dad-pilled

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This time next year it'll be £5 for a box of Shreddies. Dope fiend Zelensky must be brought to the negotiation table, by force if necessary.

gonna do some push ups

what mate?

yeah? you know most fathers in history have spent more time away from their kids than with their kids? its not natural for fathers to be around their kids all of the time