My opinion?

The heat is fine as long as it isn't muggy/humid heat. Why was everyone getting in a flap?

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It's not that hot they just wanna push the global warning narrative.

It's hot but not unbearably hot. Worked in a full work jacket in similar heat before.

Its premepting the narrative of global warming. Of course its not that hot but future generations wont know. Well all be dead due to war and getting schwaxxed but they will tell your grandchildren that this is why they needed to genocide us.

>65%+ humidity
>gazillion mosquitoes
>the only rain you get are hurricanes
Welcome to the Texas Gulf Coast

That being said. A lot of "Texans" have been complaining about the heat, i'm guessing Austinites?

Their problem really.

I think youre missing the point here namely the genocide.

Welcome to the humid side, brother.
Here in the US, the population is split between dry and humid. Personally, I believe that humid heat is the worst. It's the heat you can't escape, only AC can combat such a monstrosity. There's also secondary damage from humid heat such as mold.
The desert pussies will yell and scream trying to convince you that dry heat is worse. Come on nigga, just hide in the shade and wear a hat.

Attached: no talkie.png (300x257, 20.42K)

Nah, i'll genocide them before they genocide me. I am a tough nut as well as a cutie who is literally too cute to genocide.

Exactly my point. The way everyone was going on about it I thought I would melt. I reckon my terrible metabolism actually came in useful.

Euros: Americans are backwards third-worlders.

Also Euros: we just died in an average American summer

Business as usual

I think Floridians can get a bit insane from the humidity but to be fair Florida is tropical and thus arguably a poor choice for White settlement.

No it’s hot as fuck 109 today. The area I’m in has really shitty feeling heat, austin has a different feel in the heat.

I have fond memories of that.

All these retards sitting out in it to get a tan. Why would anyone want to look like a wrinkly paki? Not to mention akin cancer. Fucking retards.

Hello my kindly Turkish friend, good to see you.
Sincerely the guy you said looked like a little decaprio one time. Glad to see you’re well.

Blimey, i'd be taking cold foot baths by then.

I remember you. South Siberia where my ancestors originated from can get extremely hot so I probably have my ancestor's blessings.

I go reddish/tan with small speckling freckles. Considering I have quite a bit of Irish blood I don't burn up as badly as I should.

Corr a pool innit bruv

Not made of money lad.