Let's talk about how Woke Corporations fund the woke

We all know that corporations are shitting out woke and losing billions. We all know woketivists are a tiny % of useful idiots. So if corporations are mandated to make profit, where are they profiting on this shit?

Why are jannies getting rid of threads discussing it so quickly? Consider the following...

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Veronica Belmont is turning 40 this month, damn.

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Thanks leaf bro.

we already know. uncle larry

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damn that's a ugly bitch

Thanks. Capt it but kinda blurry. Think I will continue with mine.

>shitting out woke and losing billions
are you insane?
woke capitalism has been growing doctrine for over 30 years, and it has created a highly profitable cattle class of corporate stooges who are conditioned to sting along 10x-1,000x or greater other stooges to chase the dragon spending 40 years in dragon shit, never getting to ride the beast.
woke capitalism isn't just the militant D.I.E. corp tranny shock troops, it's the entire slave caste of corprocratic structure.
pawns only react to the most recent iteration
don't be a pawn
see historical trends

Not enough talk about the guy. I follow media complaining about woke media and woke products endlessly and they never talk about how it is being funded and who is funding it.

I dont follow. Explain?

Screen capt will spread.

sorry fella, can't in to with leaf here. always ends up 404 or pruned when the it's spelled out incontestably.
D.I.E. corp stands for Diversity. Inclusion. Equity corp (as a more accurate acronym for D.E.&I. Diversity Equity & Inclusion.

additionally ESG is particularly good and funneling capital away from White people
and that's a "loss leader"
when the initial hit of production may sting, eventually there are Jew companies and their DIE corp acolytes
one of the biggest lies is that the primary goal is profit anymore. now the goal is controlling access to capital

blackrock owns the stick market...and invest based on ESG score...easy peasy.

We are at the stage where it has become extremely obvious why you would want to control your money supply...

Larry fink has a son named Johnathan whom has a blood disorder similar to hemophilia. He plays tennis and I’m not sure he is still alive desu. Larry has done a whole lot to keep Johnny boy out of the media.

>So if corporations are mandated to make profit, where are they profiting on this shit?

My theory, Growth in the first world is not economic, rather its financial payout, the consequence is large piles of debt, large ever increasing debt is unsustainable.
You the only way to sustain debt based growth is more debt, placing a burden on individuals.
Education debt, credit card debt, mortages, creates a generation of debt slaves.
Meanwhile the capitalist elites get richer, syphoning wealth and labour of people who are poor or heavily indebted, inflation plays a large role in this, as fresh printed money is distributed first among the bankers and financeers who profit without doing any productive job.

People take to the streets, lets say occupy wallstreet protests, what these people want? no more corruption, no more financial payout, no more absurd tuition costs, no more cripling debt and a fairer distribution on wealth.

How the system responds: out of nowhere SJWs appear, no one knew about them and were a minority, yet are loud enough to sabotage a political movement from withing, occupy wallstreet was mocked by mainstream media and finally dispersed. Then next target are left wing anti-stablishment organizations, those people do not like corporations, what you do? you infiltrate them with Wokes and the systems appropiates the symbols of X or Y ideology for the purpose of furthering GloboHomo.

The corporations won, nothing changed and the situation is worse for the proles.

Modern western corporations are militarized organizations, with their own corporate culture whose purpose is to maximize labour and to do that you require political commisars, it happens that Wokes are indoctrinated at an young age to be excelent political commisar, they will do what the politician or corporate PR tells them to do.

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>American Communist
Jewish golem
>Russian communist
Jewish golem

Its not corporations - its the Civil Rights Act and the public education system. People blaming corporations are crypto-communists who look to redistribute the wealth under pseudo-conservatism pretext.

>where are they profiting on this shit?
gov't and manipulated stock market/prices

>So if corporations are mandated to make profit, where are they profiting on this shit?
The problem is you are still thinking in old terms. You think productivity precedes economic production, but it is the opposite. Economic production (money creation, ie debt allocation) precedes everything. These companies aren’t losing money because they aren’t making money. They are zombie corporations, operating and growing only because they can secure as much credit (debt) as needed.

This is why you see those videos and articles about the 23 year old marketing manager getting payed 80k a year to make posts on LinkedIN, who’s day is filled with cry breaks, naps, and free buffets. Our system only works if an endless amount of debt money is constantly flowing through it. Profits, productivity, actually making something; these are outdated concepts that mean nothing to the modern zombie economy.

>So if corporations are mandated to make profit, where are they profiting on this shit?
ESG rating controlled by trillionaire investment firms (BLackrock, Vanguard, etc) who blackmail them into trading profit for ESG score.


Attached: Larry Fink BlackRock Vanguard ESG Investing.jpg (1920x2349, 954.45K)

I know someone with the name fink.


Larry Fink , Blackrock, it's all it boils down to.

>The problem is you are still thinking in old terms. You think productivity precedes economic production, but it is the opposite. Economic production (money creation, ie debt allocation) precedes everything.
This. We let them corrupt the financial system to the point that everything is rigged and fake, value is a Potemkin Village.

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Os she still on any shows? Use to watch that nerd shit back in the day.

Oh…. and is coffee bad for you?

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I like how her titta move back and forth. Very sexual.

Using social movement politics to coopt people into supporting jewish capital worked so well with the green movement, they spread the idea to race, gender, everything else.


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My theory, If you can't trade it, you're not consuming it.

Uncle Ted called it The System's Neatest Trick.

Ted did nothing wrong.


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You were born fucked, get over it.