>A study found that 42% of people with regular menstrual cycles said they bled more heavily than usual after their Covid vaccination.


Inb4 muh excessive bleeding doesn't mean sterile. Think again, Moshe. See

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you realize the menstrual cycle is finnicky and touchy, right?

>(((shill))) responds within less than a minute

Oh, wow, what a surprise. Yes, almost half of women who took the vax reporting irregular periods is definitely something to be ignored and irrelevant, even when the sample was 39,000+ women. Lmao, Moshe. You will hang for these crimes.

As this becomes more mainstream and gradually accepted. How the fuck do we make sure we don't fuck vaxxed pussies? They will lie about it or say that taking one shot didn't do anything.

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have you spoken with real life women about this at all?

They were too afraid to write women instead of people but weren't afraid enough to report this. Strange clown world reporting.

I did, it's pretty bad.

You simply ask the woman before setting up your first date: are you racist?
If the answer is "Of course not!" walk away
If the answer is visible hesitation or a wince followed by an affirmative, she's possibly worth a shot.
If she answers "Yes I am" proudly, she's a keeper.

Most women have been cooped up for 2 some odd years user...

I have and they corroborate this. Are you saying the study is fake? Good to know we can disregard studies on face.

but will their children also be sterile if they manage to bear any or does the effect disappear after one generation?

>have you spoken with real life women
The answer is always no.

>How the fuck do we make sure we don't fuck vaxxed pussies?
only date religious fundamentalists

liberal women btfo?

All of these posts are proof all Any Forumsacks are incels who don't understand a woman's body at all. They bleed more or have period irregularities for literally any reason. A vaccination or an illness or just being stressed out. All sorts of dumb shit. This is just normal female ovulatory behavior

Does anybody have long term data on any covid vaccine?


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nice palis

perhaps Austria got saline batches but I haven't heard of menstrual things, just the le tired meme (but you also got the day off work if you complained about a headache, so...)

think about it. If a post-developmental genetic modification can induce sterility, will there be any children around to see whether it is heritable?

Half of PEOPLE with a menstrual cycle. Come on user, didn't you read the headline? Get with the times.

Ayo hole up. Nigger are you telling me a survey of 39,000+ women with 42% of them corroborating done by a major university is fake? Lol. Lmao even. Remember back when you were pushing the kike spike and shutting down anyone who posted "alternative" (non-kiked) information sources like Robert Malone, yet here you have your favorite jew MSM reporting on an extremely large and comprehensive study done on 39,000+ women where almost half say the kike spike fucked their periods, and you're trying to suggest it's fake. Unreal. Fuck right outta here with your lying jew shit.

You WILL pay for these crimes.

Mine more or less didn't have a period for months after taking it.

so you admit its fake news? huh shill :^)

>will the sterile women’s children

OH NO. my triple jabbed ex had her periods regularly did she dodge the spike sterility?

People who bump these pharma shills are faggots.