Why the fuck are Americans like this?

A nation of cucks Jesus fucking Christ

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>Why the fuck are Americans like this?
corn syrup
mutilation at birth
kosher school

>plot twist
>hes the bbq

They're simply judaised and negrified subhumans afterall.

Attached: american-fag-or-pedo-festival.webm (720x1280, 1.4M)

>traditional black mac and cheese
There's nothing funnier than American niggers acting like they have "culture" and "history"

And muh inventions and history too LOL.

The Fraud of black history

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Wait are blacks trying to lay claim to Mac n cheese and bbq?

>Everyone is family by the end of a black BBQ
>Ends in gun violence

Attached: no lackin.webm (180x320, 2.84M)

seems like a reasonable question to ask, he's just retarded for thinking it makes him racist and extra retarded for apologizing

Never lower yourself to their standard. Create your mac n cheese and when they start joking, remind them they have an underdeveloped pallet and are simply unable to appreciate the duality of taste.

>A nation of cucks Jesus fucking Christ
Ask me how I know you're jewish

Make sure that you take out a life insurance policy first.

>Going to an event where you KNOW there's going to be a bunch of niggers

Because of you, asshole!

>amerimutt baby formula

Attached: corn_syrup_solids.png (600x600, 274.3K)

>mac and cheese can be racist

jesus christ these people

Nigger mac and cheese is so thick and they bring it like 5 hours after they cook it. Fucking gross. Been to one nigger BBQ at wrights park in Tacoma WA one time. It was absolutely disgusting.

Maybe the wypipo in question is from New England. Those motherfuckers can ruin any recipe. Had a sister-in-law make "chili" and it was literally spicy soup with big chunks of celery in it. Once went to another's Thanksgiving party and they boiled the ham. They can sometimes bake, can't cook.

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>traditional black macaroni and cheese
So Kraft out of the box?

I make sure to avoid niggers like this as much as possible,you have some of them who love to wave their firearm around like this at the firing range,always make sure to stay out of their line of sight. It's a negligent discharge just waiting to happen with their fingers always on the trigger. Fucking hell.

Attached: 6587tyihujgn.jpg (462x321, 15.85K)

Clam chowder is good

Boiled hambone stock is the secret to good bean soup

>black BBQ
imagine the smell

new england food is either the absolute peak of excellence or subhuman slop you wouldn't force your worst enemy to consume.
it's kind of awful too because almost all of the food exclusive to here just looks disgusting even when it's prepared properly. we also eat stuff like 'shit on a shingle' and 'canned bread', which LOOK disgusting (sos is basically cat puke on burnt toast) but is fucking delicious when made right. I will admit the average normie cook here is completely capae of turning perfectly good food into an abomination against God himself but I must assure you this is partly due to there being so many phenomenal locally run places to eat at. don't believe me, go look up 'phabtom gourmet's on YouTube, literal hundreds of reviews of delicious food of all varieties.

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