Why are Whites held to a completely different standard? Is it because deep down everyone knows we're the best?

Why are Whites held to a completely different standard? Is it because deep down everyone knows we're the best?

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because jews

Why are zionists held to a different standard?
SAS murdering civvies left and right in afghanistan while we do everything to preserve life
Is it because we're better than the goyim?

if "Whites" (no such thing) didn't wanted to be "invaded" (get cheap labor) then maybe they shouldn't have been conquering & enslaving the entire world.

T. Polish Kike.
Uncle Addy was too kind

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Black people have been in Europe since prehistoric times and don't you forget it dweebenheimer.

>Black people have been in Europe since prehistoric times
I doubt that. They are a different species to us

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>Why are zionists held to a different standard?
If a goy state did 10 percent of what israel does on a daily basis, they would get bombed back to the stone age in a week.

>t. Albanian
At least I'm not some imported foreign tribe from fast away that is LARPing as a native born tribe

Cultural Marxism.

Nice to see that kikes cant even be truthful when they try and insult somebody. Not suprised. The Babylonians and Hadrian were too kind.

You belong in the caucuses

White nationalists have a bad rep for a reason

You in a oven.

Turk bootlicker

but that's exactly who you are mr khazar

Whites are the one voting for all these pro immigration politicians.

>t. Irrelevant Indonesian

Nobody is voting for anything you stupid faggot.
The english voted for brexit not to stop eu immigration but to stop all immigration and the kikes in power just fucked them harder as revenge.
You think italians voted for immigration? You think germans voted for immigration in the 1950s when you had to threaten the minister of labour of germany into bringing in millions of turks to please your racemixing fetish even when he said they had enough people in the country for the economy already.

Attached: usa forces germany to take turks in.jpg (730x582, 253.08K)

whites are in power. no one can beat us, so they have to try to drag us down individually, which still won't beat us at large, obviously.

If you want to reply to a shill thread
All you need to do is put sage in all
The fields and it wont bump the shill thread
Jannies get madwhen you announce
That you saged so thats a bonus too


Empirically, yes

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