Why is Western France different from Eastern France?


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I remember that on reddit I made a point that Germanic areas of France are different from Celto-Roman areas and some salty Frenchman started calling me racist. Was he a salty Celtoid?

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western france was closer to al andalus

Bretons are commie faggots and alcoholics. But still fellow frenchmen so it's cool.
But you shouldn't obsess over us, plumber man.

Western France is pretty much a low populated wasteland, while Eastern is far more populated, much more connected with rest of Europe and with coal and other resources.
Al andalus stopped existing bordering france in 800s, thats no excuse.

In vacation in west france right now
The huge fields and hills are nice and the low population density is exccelent for camping

the residual islamic retardation infected the area and never went away. all it takes is one exposure

Are you going to spam this shit everyday you Polenigger.

keked at subtlely making the chart goes from white to black the mofe illiterated the data suggests

Underpopulated, it's always been an issue especially with the country so centralized under Paris (Barf)

1st nobel prize is awarded in 1901. At this time the most industrialized part of france is the east (coal in the north and electrification in the south). The west is mostly rural and underpopulated.

But if you where to look before the industrial revolution, things would be more even. Especially in the medieval era. The duchy of aquitaine was especially developped and rich, even more than the possessions of the king of france.

Nobel prize is a biased indicator, because yeah, most nobel price recipients are coming from industrial, urbanised regions

This thread again

It just has a smaller population that's it.

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no one lives outside of Paris.
Its all Fallout-levels of Wasteland, meanwhile inside Paris it is World War Z levels of Wasteland.

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>Nobel prize is a biased indicator, because yeah, most nobel price recipients are coming from industrial, urbanised regions
Yes and it's a Jewish psy-op. Something Any Forums conveniently ignore for whatever reason.

Isn't it mostly farmland?

>everything i don't like is a jewish psy-op
Quite untrue. It is normal that in the age of coal, steel and steam, most scientists will live where there are energy sources.
>where do you place an university? At the top of a mountain?

Explique la méga surreprésentation des feujs parmi les lauréats de prix nobel alors petit génie. Ta mère la catin qui pue de la chatte.

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Western France is more rural than the east which is more developed industrially. It's easier to get a Nobel Prize when you're born with a good environment, good school infrastructure and more easily obtainable capital. It has nothing to do with IQ or origin, IQ is as high in the east as it is in the west.

Why do you keep posting this ? I don't understand how a polish dude can be so obsessed about irrelevant shit like that. I don't understand what is even your point with your retarded map from almost two fucking centuries. I'm so confused

Maybe that was that area had higher birth rates but still less dense than average, was more agriculture-oriented, more isolated geograhically (terrain or on a peninsula). But yes the west and south-west vs the east and north-east divide is still a reality today.

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Western France doesn't have as much Germanic DNA, bro. They are racially inferior.

>that pic
Daily reminder the reason that pic exists is because Muslims, invited in by the very people in that photo, slaughtered hundreds of Europeans in terror attacks. The solution they came up with to the problem they created is a picture.

schnobel prize is pozzed af

and now no one in Europe even complains anymore, it's just accepted as fact all Euros will soon be replaced by Muslims.
crazy how that reflects the genetics.

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Ye what idiot, unbelievable...