This mother fucker eats ferrero rocher with a GOD DAMN FORK

That's so disgusting. This is "just got caught butt fucking the family dog" tier degenerate.

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Still has the same watch.

It's called being civilized

Thats how the society types eat their candy bars

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if your job was to shake hands all day long, you would do weird hygiene stuff like that too.

Woh, that is a nice looking selection.

That's actually a total lack of class. It's like white trash eating Walmart sushi and thinking they're being fancy.

Why do slaves fight over who they pax their taxes to?

I bet Zelensgay eats his candy bars with his fingers. Disgusting.


That's how the filthy "our hands are toilet paper" sandfags served the goddamn snack plate to him. Get your head out of your ass. Holy shit, this slide crap is so bad.

Whatever you say Ronald Mcdonald

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He’s a classy man unlike fatass Trump

He was served it that way to avoid getting chocolate fingers and ruining his suit. He probably didnt eat it anyway, because he is getting a little chubby in his old age (but still a chad).

who eats roaches??? disgusting...

1) the pic doesnt show that
2) if it was the case, prob to avoid getting your hands dirty, its a fuckign sweet candy and makes you finger sticky retard

How do you eat it? With your HANDS?

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The jews do this you ate the food wrong shame on you crap a lot.

You're just upset at the implication he is only going to eat one single piece, whereas an American would use his bare hands to shovel as much of it into his mouth as he could. Go be fat somewhere else.