Fags and Monkeypox

Yet again God sends a disease that is almost exclusively aimed at faggots. Absolutely based. Thank God for AIDS and monkeypox and ask Him to send more faggot-specific diseases.

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even fuckin npr admitted faggots were the vector

Only fags are getting monkeypox in their asshole

no one cares conservacuck

Look at that absolutely degenerate AIDS-carrying homosexual splayed out in line


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>tfw didn't buy SIGA at $10
wonder if it's worth it at $15

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Is monkeypox spread by all homosexual activity? I'm in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend and I'm a bit scared. We never use condoms since there's almost 0 chance of me getting pregnant or anything.

Yes. The only cure is to kys. Sorry.

OK, thanks for letting me know, I guess. You keep yourself safe, too.


Nature finds a way.

Were you in the bathroom when you posted the last one?

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God didn't send a thing and it's not a gay disease, you can get it just from being touched. It's just that you str8 men are all mentally ill and refuse to go to the doctor when your skin is literally burning meanwhile gay men constantly get check ups just in case.

And i'd take monkeypox and aids over women any day of the week, you str8 trash are all miserable suicidal incels constantly getting divorce raped, raising Tyrone's son or donating all your money to twitch whores farting on microphones. There truly is nothing worse than being a straight man and you freaks deserve all the misery women bring you.

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You have a 0% of getting pregnant because YWNBAW

They have a monkeypox vaccine? I like to get vaccinated for everything just as a precaution. I've got to find where I can get one. I want the shingles vaccine but they tell me I'm not old enough yet.

I'm not a trans woman. I am a cis man with a beautiful cis bf. But as they say, nature finds a way.

get your anthrax vaccine too you never know when Bin Laden is gonna come back from the dead

>There truly is nothing worse than being a straight man
How would you know ? You are a faggot.

That's also on my list. But it's largely given to soldiers. I need to find a clinic that offers it to civilians. I think I've been vaccinated for everything except monkeypox, Amthrax and shingles.

>How would you know ?

Because I have eyes and I see you sexless incels crying every single day about how lonely, depressed and suicidal you are about no woman wanting you while the men around you who do have women end up as cuckolds raising Tyrone's son, or as divorce raped hobos, or they end up murdering their wife and children.

You straight trash live awful miserable lives and you're beyond envious of gay men and it shows. I'm sorry women are garbage but you don't have to take your anger away on us because we don't have to put up with them, just go be miserable on your corner and fuck off, incel.

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It's the smallpox vax. Old one is a live virus, so if you got the wuflu vax you will die in 2 weeks

I got the COVID vaccine well over a year ago. I've got it twice as well as the booster. I got it as soon as it was available.

Remember, it was a straight man that fucked your mother and bought you into this world, boy. Show some respect.

His holiness and the voice of God on Earth has called getting vaccinated a moral obligation.


My dad is gay, so try again. All str8 trash need to be killed, you're all mentally ill freaks constantly seething at men who love men while women fuck niggers in front of you and force you to raise Tyrone Jr.

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>you str8 trash are all miserable suicidal incels constantly getting divorce raped, raising Tyrone's son or donating all your money to twitch whores farting on microphones. There truly is nothing worse than being a straight man and you freaks deserve all the misery women bring you.
Kinda based and truthpilled, still not gonna get the bum jab tho.

That's not the case anymore. They could've been created in a lab via artificial insemination, which it could be sperm from a straight man or a gay man.

Aw, they make cute husbands.

Unironically, being gay is the ultimate red pill.

Choosing someone who you can actually enjoy spending time with outside of sex vs. choosing something that bleeds once a month and is useless past the age of 30.

Who wants to bet all the dudes in that line went ahead and got each other's numbers? And are proceeding to fuck despite being monkeyPOZZED? That is the problem with a lot of gay men, they are too promiscuous and have a weird attitude about stds, like it's just a normal part of a healthy sex life - it isn't!

Fake pope, fake virus

Monkey pox is real tho, its all of a sudden got 50 changes in it (normally 1 every 10 or so years). Imagine giving the world pandemic fatigue and the unleashing a bio weapon to bring about revelation. Who would do that

Yeah, and now that your immune system is pozzed you get to die of smallpox

Oh boy, another waste of tax dollars, a nuke or a day of dropping napalm in the city would solve the problem.

>My dad is gay,
This explains your aggressively open faggotry online.

Does that mean if you have the opportunity to get vaccinated and choose not to that you're damning yourself to hell?

If being gay is the ultimate redpill then having a relationship with a passable tranny (lol) is the an even more ultimate redpill. All the "positives" of being in a gay relationship, and non of the drawbacks of being with a (((female))), perfect balance.

captcha: JMWGOY

Dude just have male friends. The idea that the person you marry will make you complete and be your BFF is a big romantic western lie. Not saying romance doesn't exist but one person can't be your everything, and marriage isn't friendship.
men should always have male friends. Marriage is more of a contract for building a family.

all those gheys with their monkey pox from fucking monkies. if this why we fought WW2 so they could go to thailand and get monkey pox from a lady boi

Yeah but you have to get jabbed in the bun by a dick which is really fucking gay.

>All the "positives" of being in a gay relationship

Uh if you're dating a tranny then you're not in love with a man, you're in love with some mentally ill abomination that wishes he was a woman and thus is gonna try to emulate them. He's gonna nag, be weird, refuse to cook and clean, be incompetent, etc.

Gay men can just fuck, hug, kiss and then go play soccer or videogames or watch sports. Good luck doing any of those things with a troon.

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