Wild chimpanzees break into store in Malibu and steal 500k worth of goods


>i-it's causes by systemic white racism, g-guys

Attached: qRqfizjFzTdpKM2D (1).webm (426x240, 2.73M)

Socioeconomic factors


>500k worth of goods

That probably cost less than a $1 to make in Thailand.

Yah no not sorry got fucked.

Also niggers

based niggers btfo'ing richniggers

The left eats their own.

When you niggers are done looting, please preach more about how much NLM.

I wish I could do the same

The twitter comments are very based

And you expect me to believe random pieces of clothing are worth 500k?

Theyre not, but thieves are generally able to resell at near those absurd prices on apps like Poshmark. Really easy to spot if you know what youre looking for. Nigger hands in the photo is usually a dead giveaway.

That’s racist to call them out like that. Those store owners should have protests in front of them.

I think those are black people, not chimpanzees.

>500k worth of goods
reported to the insurance as such, never would have sold nearly as much

Until people become Nazis I hope this continues. California deserves it.

Important nigger info megathread

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Niggers just be practicing their culture. Don't be a bigot.

Looks like reparations for 400 years of Opreshun.

nigger behavior is so prevalent that twitter has to age restrict it.

Attached: rttreert.jpg (1532x526, 59.92K)

can't they afford to hire a security guard?

in fagfornia, how is he going to stop 10 niggers at the same time, they aren't giving him an aa12

anyone who buys a 2000 bag is an asshole, I think that's fair to say

Even if they hire guards they are literally paid to do nothing. Laying a finger on a nigger is a liability and the store could get sued. The US is literally China tier if you're a good Samaritan and niggers are involved you'll get punished for intervening more than any nigger will for committing crimes.