I don't understand how to live in this world

I'm a late 20s NEET with no skills, no job, no work history, no degree, no house, no apartment, no marriage, no wardrobe, no credit. How do people live in this world? How do people look so good, and have a good personality? How do they get to a place where they are happy in life and not wanting to die every second?

Every Reddit post, every TikTok video, every hashtag reminds me of how I've lost touch with everything in this world. Voluntary euthanasia should be a thing. It's not like I have a thing to contribute to this world anyway.

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Some people get out of this rut and find some sort of fulfilling existence but I feel there's some people who were destined to either be imprisoned, murdered, or dead by suicide. Some people don't get a happy ending. Do what I do and stay high 24/7 while shutting out the world. It's better than completely suffering.

How about, I don't know, work on acquiring a skill? Something easily attainable with a clear path towards the goal.

IT Certifications are easy to get and will next you a cushy job doing IT for some school district. It has a pension and next you ~60k a year for minimal work setting up old teacher's printers & wifi.

The fact you're able to use the internet means you're smart enough to get their certification. Once you get it just look up some youtube videos for how to shave properly and get slacks & a button down. Send out resumes to schools & other public organizations (city hall, court houses, etc.). Government work is easy and simple.

As for how to interview, easiest thing is to watch youtube videos on how to interview. Don't worry about not having work history, the fact you have a certification should be enough for entry level IT work.

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mother fucking debt maxx dem cards and apply instagram filters on your shitty 20 dollar mc pizza once/week
also wash yo ass and put some eau de toilette (thats unfiltered toilet water for you dumb non frogs) over yourself to smell spunk bangworthy and every catpiss drinking lonely 40 year old rag head karen will be lining up to get a piece of you
dont fortget to socialize, ALWAyS BE CLOSING!

man I feel like i'd be you if I didnt snap out of it at 21. Thank god

Look through this. I say do some online cert courses and get them to go on a resume. IT, Project Management, SCRUM, some targeted software certs substitute for a real degree and you can get cheap ass ones. Cheap ones still count because most employers don't really check where you got them from.

based dubdubs

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You sound like you're facing the common problems a NEET would face. You need a constructive hobby. Look into exercise and developing a skill. The sense of accomplishment will do you wonders.

Agreed. Clearly some of us are not "geared", "designed", "fit" for success as a law-abiding, gainfully-employed citizen. Hitting all the checkpoints along the way. Its just not happening for some people. All of that stuff is alien to me as well. Just seems made for people very different than myself. I dont "get" it.

I dont "get" working in an office in business attire and then going for a jog around the lake downtown when its 90 degrees out when I am finished with work. Then going to the gym and having a dinner date with someone. None of that sounds fun and its too stressful. I just whack off and none of that matters anymore for a while

Just work hard

Read books and watch YouTube videos on life skills.
Limit your Vidya to once or twice a week, and for specific times. No more.

They often become boring as you get older sadly


just get out of your mind thats the limitation. your mind
this user could not be more incorrect

whatever you want you can reprogram yourself to acquire do like buddha and nietzsche say and only hang out with people better than you. every day, find something to remind you of what you desire most. and keep materializing the desire in your mind until gradually, more and more it comes into fruition since its all you obsess over eventually it will come into fruition if you throw out all limitations of what you think is destined for you or what others have said. you are the master of your own destiny and no one can take that from you. drop every notion that a mediocre life is meant for you


user you need to take 5 grams of psychedelic mushrooms, i reccomend you grow them yourself.
Your current self will be euthanized and you will be born again


maybe he..... no, he wouldnt...

>How do people live in this world? How do people look so good, and have a good personality? How do they get to a place where they are happy in life and not wanting to die every second?
By not being a:
>late 20s NEET with no skills, no job, no work history, no degree, no house, no apartment, no marriage, no wardrobe, no credit

They were born with a set of genes that allows them to fit into this shithole we call life.

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>Get McWageSlave job
>Save ever last dime at least ≥60% of income
>Live at home if you are able and don't get a car unless its absolutely necessary for your job instead take the bus or bum rides from your parents.
>Once you have 30k saved up you then take the Any Forums pill.
Stock Options, Structured Products, maybe debt instruments like Bonds/Notes no CRYpto shit. It takes about a year to learn these things and longer to unlearn all the lies and half truths people will spam at you.
>Muh down cost average into SPY
>Muh short 30-45 DTE options
And if you don't know what you are doing you'll become bankrupt in a instant so be VERY careful.Best advise I'll give you is to wait at least 6 months before trading and study during that time don't paper trade if you do you will develop bad habits. Just read read read anything and everything on finance watch documentarys watch the markets study a lot.

>no credit
Kek your Credit score is easy enough to dork don't feel to bad about your current low score.Also P2P lending is a thing...don't tell no one I told you though shhhh.

Good luck and God Bless you.

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