Germ theory

Let’s have a thread discussing/redpilling/debunking the Germ Theorem

I myself got covid a couple of days ago even though I was on the beach most of the time without anyone being near me(except my gf who doesn’t got covid, and is all fine) Yet during the winter I occasionally interacted with people that had Covid, but I never got sick. I’ve seen some anons saying this whole germ theorem and the “virus” concept is all bs and fake fabricated by The Bolshevik-judeo elite?/satanist/globohomo/etcol

If this topic has been discussed already please reference

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it has been discussed to death, it's retarded bullshit
go lick a toilet seat

>I myself got covid a couple of days ago even though I was on the beach most of the time without anyone being near me
they love irradiating people at the beach with 5JEW

Attached: nonionizing.png (857x583, 466.15K)

I have your gf covid a week ago when I was fucking her throat after cumming up her ass. Sorry bro. Glad you didn't get too sick.

You didn't "get" covid. You just took a pcr test that gave you a positive and some zogbot said it meant it was covid.
Viruses have never been isolated in Humans. There's no evidence they exist. When people get sick in an area it's because they're sharing the same unstable environemnt.

Nigger faggot shill. Stop sliding real threads.

4 humors
Watch all, then make another thread with questions, opinions or whatever.

toilets are too clean, better to lick the sink drain in the kitchen. germs aren't re-aack

Go on…

better learn to make petri dishes and swab molds and bacteria to culture. Then you can eat them to see what they do.
>pro tip the pretty colored ones are specials.

for sure user, Wuhan had 10,000+ 5G transmitters, more than the entire United States, and when it was turned on that's when ((covid)) happened. I took this picture, and you can see a 21.97mW/m2 reading that is 439 times higher than the safe limit. (0.05mW/m2) The 1500MHz frequency is also considered military use, hell, phased array tech was used for military radar even in the 40s. 5G is military tech being used on civilians, for the first time ever in telecoms history.

Attached: 5GenocideAtTheChurch.png (1913x716, 2.73M)

Get some agar, swipe surfaces with a q tip and rub in on the agar see if anything grows. These are germs. See if you get any germs by swiping a piece of chicken. Them leave the chicken out for 4 hours and swipe it again.

The electromagnetic pulses from wireless modems/transceivers can resonate with cellular matter.
Different frequencies resonate with different things.
The 5G frequency bands are varied in effect, but 26Ghz has a particularly useful gimmick. It resonates with graphene hydroxide.
But besides that, there are tonnes of frequencies in use of which the harmonic resonance can damage cells and induce inflammation.
Most diseases aren't symptoms, the symptoms are a sign of healing and recovery taking place.
Getting a cough means you're clearing your lungs.
Getting a fever means your body is actively purging toxic matter, dead cells, etc.
In other words, most symptoms mean you have been sick. Not that you presently are sick.

EMF causes the sort of cellular damage that shows up as covid on a PCR test.
PCR tests check for damaged cell matter, that's all they do.

>Viruses have never been isolated in Humans

Are you a retard?

are you even trying?

>Let’s have a thread discussing/redpilling/debunking the Germ Theorem

You have two immune systems: 1) adaptive immune system and 2) innate immune system.

The adaptive immune system follows the rules you refer to as "germ theory." It encounters a new virus, learns about the new virus, deploys weapons against the new virus, then remembers how to fight against the virus in the future. This is why you (usually) only get chickenpox once in your life, for example.

The innate immune system is a generalized take-all-comers combat system. It just attempts to kill whatever bad stuff is in your body. It doesn't try to learn, it doesn't have a memory, it just kills. This system can neutralize virus and bacteria before your adaptive immune system even activates. If you keep yourself healthy, your innate immune system will destroy COVID even if you started tongue kissing everyone in the hospital.

Viruses aren't bacteria, fungus or poison.
You can see and all of those by growing a colony or using test.
You can't see viruses regardless of microscope because they aren't there.
The "evidence" they have for viruses is just them starving cells to cause sycopathic effects. Mixing samples with unrelated biomass to make a puré they then have a computer align into a virus genome- it's why corporations can have pattents on viruses. You're just aligning a soup letter into a copyrighted sentence you want to see. And for "proving" transmission they just inject this posinous mixture directly into animal brains and if the animal then gets sick the jews go "See? It transmits and causes illness. Gib money plox"

Now go drink bleach


They haven't look up Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Andrew Kaufman

In the eighteenth century, no such thing, nada, nothing. No one ever imagined such a thing. No sane person, anyway. Ah! Ah! Along comes this doctor, uh, uh, uh, Semmelweis, Semmelweis. Semmelweis comes along. He's trying to convince people, well, other doctors mainly, that's there's these teeny tiny invisible bad things called germs that get into your body and make you sick. Ah? He's trying to get doctors to wash their hands. What is this guy? Crazy? Teeny, tiny, invisible? What do you call it? Uh-uh, germs? Huh? What? Now, cut to the 20th century. Last week, as a matter of fact, before I got dragged into this hellhole. I go in to order a burger in this fast food joint, and the guy drops it on the floor. Jim, he picks it up, he wipes it off, he hands it to me like it's all OK. "What about the germs?" I say. He says, "I don't believe in germs. Germs is just a plot they made up so they can sell you disinfectants and soaps." Now he's crazy, right? See?

Appreciate you bumping the thread even though evidently that's not what anyone here has said.
They don't train you shills like they used to.