Jews are to whites what whites are to niggers. Face it, they are superior

Jews are to whites what whites are to niggers. Face it, they are superior.

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>whites kill and rob jews
I fucking wish.

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What have Jews invented?

Coin shaving and clipping
You know those ridges on the edge of your coins?
That was invented purely to stop jews from shaving the coins down.

Everything since Albert Einstein was a jew and he invented everything

you're both parasites who feed off of weakness
Deboonked already. But how come they're so overrepresented if it's not IQ?

A parasite cannot be greater than its host.

Most Blacks in Africa literally hadn't even developed the wheel until Whitey brought it to them. Call the jewish people parasites but leave Whites out of it low IQ.

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>mutilated dicks
>tranny tendencies
>mass schizosis
jews are fucked. I'd rather be a nigger

put 10,000 each in an open field, and let'em have at it for 2 hours; and watch as your definition of 'superior' gets dragged.

They invented hookers and aids
which I thank to everyday of my life

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>an award we gave to ourselves is our metric
I thought jews were smarter than this?

Can I bum a cig ?

>lolbel prizes
You know how many war criminals received the Nobel peace prize? Shit has zero legitimacy anymore.

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Important Nigger Info MegaThread

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jews aren't a race. white isn't a race. jews are nepotistic and promote and reward other jews.

fpbp i hope u whiteys chimp out on kikes more

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If Jews so great then Why they have the proboscis monkey stank nose ?

You say Jews>Whites>Blacks, but Jews and Blacks are both parasitical on white countries.

The NSDAP showed what happens when Whites aren't dominated by Jews anymore, the answer is they become so prosperous the Jews have to leverage all their assets to stop them.

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