QTDDTOT - Questions that don't deserve their own thread

Why shit up the catalog with a million different threads? Ask questions here.

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Who is the most purest person alive today that will be the measuring stick for everybody else's whiteness rank?

2pbtid what a try hard faggot

Mel Gibson lol

Nazis don't tip, despite being well funded. Huh.:.

His reads 00:30:08 you filthy nigger.

How to get over mommy and femdom fetish

How can we make healthcare more affordable?

How do we cure the obesity epidemic?

Who is responsible for our poor economic situation and what can be done to help the middle class?

How can the two party system be reformed and should we introduce new rules for people serving in congress?

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Yea why are you such a gay nigger

Why are my parents getting a divorce?

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Where are my car keys?

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Stop watching pornography and go to the gym.
In my opinion, there's too many incompetent, self interested people in positions of power. You want reforms that will better society as a whole but the entire system's structure doesn't allow it to happen just because of its nature. The only way to obtain a high trust, healthy society would be to wipe the slate clean at this point and start over.

In the change bowl by the door

Found them. Thanks!


I got you senpai

Fucken retard. He was arrested this morning in my apartment building. All hope is lost.

>that is why.

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No one loves you

This needs to become a general here, and it has to have a FAQ.
>why do we hate Jews?
>what is a slide thread and Shilling?
>nigger racepill
>how Any Forums is compromised y the intelligence agencies and is a target for demoralization


Kys namefag

No you