3 dead,dozen injured


Mass shooting in Indiana,3 people dead and a dozen injured

The shooter wrote he did it because he was radicalized by Trump and Any Forums in 2016,pic related is him

Attached: Screenshot_20220718-071420_Samsung Internet.jpg (720x878, 152.98K)

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Fake and gay

that guy doesnt give 2 fucks about what his beard looks like. hes just like

See, I KNEW McCandless survived

>this is white in America

>wrote he did it because he was radicalized by Trump and Any Forums in 2016
either this is fake and OP is a faggot, or this was done by a glowie and OP is a faggot anyway. No actual shooter would write something like that.

why kike no show flag?
Is kike what passes for 'white' in pirateflagistan?


>No actual shooter would write something like that.
When I go on a minecraft rampage, I'm going to write that I was radicalized by Drag Queen Story Hour, and I'm mad because I'm not allowed to touch children.

OP is right,this dude wrote a post that was taken down on Twitter,he also mentioned Putin a million times,said he would die for him in a war with America

That sir, is a literal Allauh Ackbar

looks like dragondarchsda

Attached: 1657695789833.jpg (1024x1024, 94.59K)

Oh sweet, another psyop took place on the most dystopic country in the world.

Anybody capable of being "radicalized" by superboomer Trump, is nowhere near rad enough to do a mass shooting

They had to count the shooter as one of the dead so it hits their "mass shooting" definition.

I heard it was because he tried to be a troon but had too much hair. Very reliable sources.

>jihadi beard
>Any Forums did it

End freemasonry in police and their satanic witchcraft techniques and these events will stop

Attached: Masonic cops all over.jpg (689x449, 109.6K)

>because he was radicalized by Trump and Any Forums in 2016,
aint nobody with a beard like that a Trump supporter.

Remember that "terrorist training camp" that got found in New Mexico with the children and the one dead kid?
And then it got bulldozed within a week.

And then another one gor found in Georgia a little while later. And then never got reported on again.

This guy looks like he was radicalized by jihadis. Or maybe he was raised up in the desert here?

How many of those camps might there be in the US?

user said the CIA were going to do a shooting and was correct many such cases.

I guess nick mullen couldn't handle the cum boys breaking up

how many schools are there in the US?

ooooof i almost look like that

Hi I was radicalised by Drumpf and reddit and I don't believe this!

so he was a russian glownigger? theyre pretty much all the same anyway.

Why didn't you mention that the shooting was ended by a man conceal carrying a Glock? Does it go against your narrative that a well regulated militia is actually useful? Kill yourself kike

Man they REALLY wanna rip this website off the internet. Why? Is it because we're the last major website on earth where you can talk about vax-AIDS and election-rigging?

Attached: 0C0DE131-4F13-4F07-9CB8-E21773821510.jpg (1170x662, 685.49K)

Indiana is like if Texas and Tennessee decided to out stupid each other.

>rolling for civil war happening or bust