Are atheists sociopaths or are they edgy?

Are atheists sociopaths or are they edgy?

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They are cringe.

>morals aren't logical
>society doesn't need to function on any logical level
get your shit together christcuck, you're casting out your fellow man over spiritual and cultural BS while kikes fuck us all. Is this the only hill you see?

>What's to keep me from becoming a god?
And here we have come full circle to the truth, which is that god does away with morals. It is not moral to do something merely because someone powerful commands it.

>he doesnt want to get swole, push people around, and take over the local underground by projecting his honor over his opposition

They are often a bunch of fags. That's from personal experience.

show me objective morality as defined by any fucking religion you retard.
you aren't living by the words of your religion's god, you live by modern laws made by man.
you live to appease society's rules, and you participate in them.

The idea that any "god" would need a bunch of different translations of their orders into a bunch of different languages is also retarded.
it would be innately obvious, and universal as calculating the digits of PI. except that doesn't fucking happen.
You have about 6 million fucking translations of the bible alone, all with various different interpretations. and 32,000 different religions to pick from.
common sense would beg the question... is picking one of these thousands of religions a waste of time?
guess you have to play to win.
I have better shit to do though.
not politics.

Why do you need a sky daddy watching over your every move to tell you what is right and wrong? Can you not differentiate between Good and Evil on your own without the threat of eternal damnation?

Who then is the real sociopath?

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>that pic
>Tiberius and Caligula

user in 30 years

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>Can you not differentiate between Good and Evil on your own without the threat of eternal damnation?

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is not the only explanation possible for this that literally everything that happens is innately moral, and just as defined by an all-powerful creator?
how could someone who is all-powerful, and all-knowing, yet just allow injustice?

ohh look, here's the start of the non-arguments.
let's be sure to have about 10+ retards from third-world nations like Brazil replying to you with 1 word posts like "based", and "atheists btfo".
waste of time thread.
not politics.

>Can you not differentiate between Good and Evil on your own

You cannot, I guarantee it. Man is not fit to be a moral arbiter. I wonder how many times you masturbated to sodomy porn? Or lied, or stared at other peoples wives, or decieved people...

On judgement day you will be absolutely rekt unless you humble yourself and receive forgiveness by Christ.

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Very few sociopaths can afford to be atheists, because it's too much lost opportunity for faggotry.
And even the ones that do so, they still discreetly push Juju Bongo nonsense, damage control for their fellows, have the typical negro affinity for excessive ritualism and nonsense, ...

>show me objective morality
>show me
I mean this sort of answers the OP's question.

The bitchy tricks and other symptoms of cluster B (such as repeating the exact same incoherent trash in a loop).

Physicalist reductionist atheists sure. Atheism can however be saved by Platonism. The form of the good is real.

it's more about the value (or lack thereof) of human life. the only thing that gives human life any value, and consequently the only thing that makes things we consider "objectively morally wrong" to be actually wrong, is God. any other morality is subjective and therefore useless.

The only answer is that injustice must exist for there to be Justice. For without darkness there is no light to compare it to.

You're an idiot. I think it is you who masturbates to sodomy porn, daily. Who has lied, or stared at others' wives, or even deceived people.

The difference is you believe your belief in a sky fairy gives you inalienable exemption so long as you 'believe'. Absolutely retarded.

>Atheism can however be saved by Platonism.
But platonism says there are metaphysical realms which atheism denies exist.
>the form of the good is real
How do you know that?

No. Human life, experience, commonality, shared experience, and human emotion are what give Human life value.

If you cannot see that, then you are no better a slave. And to a opaque visage no less.

Let's take murder as an example. In the case of white people, killing someone for no reason is from any theistic or atheistic vantage point objectively evil.

>sky fairy
But don't you people believe in satellites? They are in the sky, and interestingly, like fairies, they don't exist either. So doesn't that make you just as retarded as them?

everything could be wiped out in a second and, if there's no higher purpose for humanity, nothing that's happened in world history or your personal history would matter at all. how does that equal objective value?

And if you took this logic to it's conclusion, you'd find that there would be zero reason to lock people up for crimes like murder and rape, because they would get punished for it in the after-life.
Except that's retarded, and insane.
You can't make your argument, so you have to result to petty name calling in every off-topic thread like this one.
always "edgy" or "cringe".
how about you make your argument, or fuck off.

>The only answer is that injustice must exist for there to be Justice. For without darkness there is no light to compare it to.
yeah you mean good things and bad things happen? what point are you trying to make here exactly???

not politics.

If you aren't Christian you aren't white.

Chick tracts are so based they gave me existential dread as a child that I would be hunted down and killed by the satanist world order

What would you say to the Arabs who were tortured and genocided by the Turks? To the Greeks who were obliterated by the Persians? Hell, even to the Christians who were persecuted by another tribe of arabs?

Eradicated in a relative minute. Some of them knew God but others did not. What say you to these people?
What of the people who existed 8,000 years before Christianity was born? Those who were lost in natural disasters?
They did not believe in the Christian God. So was there no purpose for their lives? For that era of Humanity?

Why do you need Sky Daddy to validate your existence? You are here regardless.

>so you have to result to petty name calling
But I didn't call you any names, I just pointed out that if you have to ask somebody to SHOW you morality, that you don't have it inherently.

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