Another expert heard from

Another expert heard from

Attached: Screenshot_20220717-195551_YouTube.jpg (1440x1048, 600.35K)

Americans are the biggest whiners. Just deal with it, youre fuck ups.

Did Rick call in another expert?

Jew political, funding and voting data:

Show is garbage but Rick himself is legitimately an intelligent person. He is a knowledge sponge. Almost artistically so.

Well he’s not wrong.

Correct. A high school dropout pawn shop owner knows more about what's coming down the pipe than Paul Krugman.

Of course he's worried middle-class Americans are his customers. Of course he notices the drop in business and spike in people trying to sell priceless family heirloom for peanuts.

No no no… get this… he WAS the expert they called in!

>and I give advice with my son, fat fuck

I don't know I kinda like the show as background noise. Not a lot of drama and screaming niggers

Rick is also good at appraising art as well as the economy

Yes, the goyim know nothing. Always trust the words of hypothetical jews.

This, Americans are the biggest crybabies. Imagine being alive in the most powerful country in the world, in the most prosperous era of humankind; and yet they can't stop bitching. They are truly the women of nations.

You two memeflaggots should go fuck each other to death.

Go away, Joe, stop calling Americans whiners for not liking you.

I love how Americans are the only ones bitching about meme flags, you fags are completely disarmed when you can't just go for an ad hominem. You complain a lot about boomers, but when it comes down to defending your fragile pride, you turn into them.

best i can do is fiddy dollars

i agree
either kill the politicians and judges pr just shut the fuck up

I watched antiques roadshow as a kid

you two mexicans should fist each other one more time

Nah. The meme flag signals you are ashamed of where you are from. Do you smell gefiltefisch mixed with Arab body odor right now? Your country is the only one that is ashamed at themselves. Fly your flag. Mean what you say.