Whats exactly is wrong with segregation?

Whats exactly is wrong with segregation?

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It's actually based

Black people see white people live in a functioning society and that makes them feel bad so it’s easier to let them into said functioning society than teach them how to make one of their own.

congoids are incompetent jungle primitives who can't rational actor their way out of a paper bag if whitey isn't there to hold their hand

Arabs from the middle east hate laws about segregation because their entire thesis of parasitic survival is one that feeds off of cultures that are unaware that other religion/races are feeding and free riding from them.

Same anomaly can be seen to occur with Policemen who put a stop to any excessively tinted windows. Stop with your segregation of light business, it stops me from having dominance over the situation.

Nothing. One Continent for Every race aside from the Reds they can keep their reservations.

Literally who

Nothing, the races self-segregate anyway.

Segregating a parasite from its host kills the parasite, most parasites dont want that, therefore bad

Your skin has a core thesis that is fundamentally based on segregation. All the bacteria want to get in and eat you like it does the old food you leave out, and turn it into into rainbow furry colors.

Your skin sheds all the time to give them something to eat which keeps them there, and pushes them out at every turn.

Segregation is evil to the parasite.

Segregation for mee, but not for thee.

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this and checked and /thread
they would say that the conditions they live in are worse than slavery

Nothing. They whine about it because it's so good for, and fair to, whites.

Nothing. Whats often forgotten about separate but equal is that by definition it created a thriving black middle class with a built in consumer base. All the black wall streets of old. Ending segregation meant black owned business now had to compete with larger white owned stores and black banks now had to compete with jew owned banks. Thats why the black middle class disappeared within a generation of the ending of segregation and with it the black community became the mess we know today. Thats why jews sought to end it and were at the legal forefront of repealing such laws..

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Just saw Elvis. They had a roped off section for colored folks. Not very cool to never get to be at the front of the stage simply because of your skin color.

I'm like the least woke person out there but fuck I'm not racist.

It got outlawed. Sad day.

>you shouldn't be able to vote because your skin is dark
>why? Because... BECAUSE YOU JUST SHOULDN'T... OKAY?!??!
real logical, lmao

It gets in the way of jewish globalization

you think segregation will stop coal burners from taking bbc?

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It works. I used to live in Boston and there are black areas seperated by bridges in some cases. If your driving you can eaisly tell when to turn around with a glance