America, get your shit together

America, get your shit together.

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Based. Fuck homeless people there are programs to help them already

No, there really aren't
Not enough, anyways

You are allowed to live outside no matter what anybody tells you.

Unironically giving homeless room and board

>or 15 days in prison
So hobos that sleep under a bridge will be punished with *LE GASP* free housing, free AC, free electricity, free meals, free showers, free gym and free new, clean clothes? Oh nooooo!

This is a catch 22. Some hobos would love this law in the wintertime so they can have a place to sleep when its cold. Non degenerate hobos would have their lives ruined by this if they are regular people who hit hard times. Others will hate it because they need their drugs.

It wont clear them out from underpasses though I'll tell you that much

This will encourage them to migrate to New York or California.

>15 days in prison
kek so basically everyone is going to move to Missouri for routine 15 days of free housing and 3 meals a day?

I would suggest that people begin to be very nice to the homeless, because there are going to be A LOT more of them soon, you may be one of them.

Good, do this everywhere

A felony only landing you 15 days in county lockup? I'm not buying that one

Too many actually but I realize you're just posting dumb shit with a memeflag for attention

>Homeless people get sent to jail for 15 days
>No longer homeless
Sounds like Missouri is going to need to build a couple more county jails

The best policy has always been buying them a one way greyhound ticket to Cali Wali

Perhaps we could choose to not torture others when we feel discomfort

There is tons of open land in Missouri...just drive them out and drop them off. Sure they are welcome to walk back if they can make it or just start a homeless commune out in buttfuck.

>fining homeless
what absolute dumb fucking genius game up with this brilliant idea

There always needs to be mo money fo dem programs.

Absolutely positively baste.

It should be legal to murder the homeless. With all the structures in place to help, those that remain homeless for over a year should be killed by any honest taxpayer. I believe this would be beneficial to society.

>Proud of paying taxes

That's the most anti-american thing I've read all week

Dolt. This is 100% about giving the cops the right to shoo shoo them.
Nothing less, nothing more.
I think the better solution would be concerned citizens using bats and clubs; but alas

To most homeless people 15 days room and board is a sweet deal. Much better than an overpass

This, why the fuck would you want to stay in Missouri if you are homeless. It's going to be 103 this week with heat index in the 120s. The winter is just as bad and regularly gets below -10 with windchill in the -45 degree range. I would happily take a ticket anywhere on the west coast to get the fuck out of this weather if I was homeless.

niggers have to move to IL. simple.

Or 15 days in jail. Just enough for them cunts to go through withdrawals in prison. Good. Fuck em.

When your ancestors came to america they lived in tents, for most it was a while before they got a sod house or log house built.

This. It should be legal to kill IRS agents, in Minecraft, of course.