I could been a father man some girl aborted my baby he would have had it’s birthday today

i could been a father man some girl aborted my baby he would have had it’s birthday today

do me a favor and tell your family you love them i know i am a bitch for crying

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Your kid would have been a fag


>a favor and tell your family you love them
i always do , the ones that talk to me anyways

A women just killed your child and you did not beat the living shit out of her?

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i don’t care about that i just wish i could have been a father
i just wanted to be a father man i still cry on this day

i went to prison over it 5 years for beating her i am not even angry anymore just sad

Your fault for having kids out of wedlock. You have no one to blame but yourself for your baby’s abortion

i know and it still makes me cry i go to the church and i cry to the priest

>a father man
Speak english!

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hunt her down and kill her

I'm sorry man. Francis is my favorite too. What's done is done.

i am a awful man and a awful father i can never forgive myself

You're not an awful man. You didn't do anything wrong. Anyone who says so is a damn liar. Wanting to be a father isn't wrong.

i am a awful man because it happened on my watch and i could have stopped it

No. You coulden't have stopped it. It was her decision. Even if you locked her in a room, she could have killed that kid, and you have no way of knowing if anything you would have done differently could change her mind.

If a woman killed my child I don't think I could stop myself from killing her.

My fundamentalist Christian estranged wife kept my son from me to raise in her cult which is not really that bad considering the current culture.

I think I would have killed her brutally if she was to kill him.

Why do people insist on using reddit spacing? How did it even start? What compels you to write this way?

i never got to have a son what was it like

Stop being a faggot and go to Church with your wife fucking leaf.
For God sake, there are many men outhere who would kill to have a family to care, to praise the lord with.
You have it and dont even realize how lucky you are. I hate canadians so much it's unreal.

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same, feelsbadman

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Moral of the story?

Always stick your peeper in the brown hole.