I stand with women on pro-choice. Women should be able to be irresponsible...

I stand with women on pro-choice. Women should be able to be irresponsible, nasty ass sluts who get cummed in and be able to murder their way out of their bad decisions legally.

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yeah thats nice and all but what was her spotify playlist?

OP - you aren't going to like what I have to tell you, but all I offer is the truth. You hate women, because you are weak.

You lack the necessary skills and talents, to charm them to your way of thinking. Were you the kind of person who spent a large percentage of your waking-hours dedicating yourself to a singular purpose; a hobby (the RIGHT hobby), a career or perhaps a healthy mix of both, you would find that most, if not all of your hatred and focus would be redirected as energy into that activity. Instead, your hatred is directed at women because you are lazy and unmotivated.

Even men who, for all intents and purposes, are considered "ugly" by society's standards, manage to attract good-looking, available, personable women because they know ... not think, not feel, not believe, but KNOW ... that they have acquired enough skills through sheer hard work, for their confidence to be justified.

You would know this also, if you did a single day's worth of hard work in your life.

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dont care
name of whore?

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i support using words and not deeds
words are all the goyim have left ;^)

It should be pro-choice but they also get their ovaries removed as part of the deal.

oh god.
please tell me she has a penis.
please tell me that is a man.
oh god.

I have a wife who agrees with me, nice try reddit.

*save image*

too long didn't read im out


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It's okay to be jealous, also nice projection in your first post.

__fraoula apparently

Brave and powerful

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>Even men who, for all intents and purposes, are considered "ugly" by society's standards, manage to attract good-looking, available, personable women because they know ... not think, not feel, not believe, but KNOW ... that they have acquired enough skills through sheer hard work, for their confidence to be justified.
you are wrong. you are a troll and you are a retard.

I'm pro-choice, but abortion is murder, period. Life begins at fertilization. Allowing women to abort at will regardless of reason simply affords them the full brunt of the sin of murder, or all of its negative karma, depending on your belief system.

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Didn't read any of that gay shit

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Reported. We can have this discussion without the softcore porn kike. Go neck yourself.

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Monkeypozz will end the sexual revolution.

Jessica Rabbit.

cluttered room, she's unfuckable

Is it just me or does she have freakish proportions?
Her arms are kind of fat, even though the rest of her isn't. She's like 8 feet tall. Her calves are almost as thick as her thighs.
Everything just feels off.

the mirror is fucked up