Destroys your based show for personal financial gain

>Destroys your based show for personal financial gain.

Attached: Warski.png (626x709, 653.46K)

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pint sized pocket kike

I really hope they resolve whatever issues they're having they're both hilarious reacting to clips of AF.

At least give a quick rundown for those who don't follow stupid ecelebs.

I love coked out warski... btfo gunty

Cokeski has always been a liability an this was obvious from the beginning

What happened?

AF bros... we can't stop winning

The show started getting stale and then they got called out by their own creator Guntwinson


Warski and PPP got exposed for using a payment processing service that is run by Baked Alaska. Basically if you’ve ever donated to the kino casino your email, address and baking info now belong to Baked Alaska.

Literally who?

Attached: 20220716_175120.jpg (1242x1228, 212.67K)

That's it?

Godwinson is a kike in nature. Rich daddy, no skills, cries about ecelebs making money yet does the same thing

>trusting a pt diasponigger jew
Serves everyone right. Reminder that Madeirans and Azoreans are diasponiggers too, and diasponiggers arent portuguese.

>it's ok, there's nothing wrong with Baked Alaska and by extension Nick Fuentes and the glowies to have your dox and using it against you like Beardson did against one of his own paypigs!
lmao cope.

Andy is way too good for a bloated gambler’s anonymous reject who compulsively lies about everything and doesn’t actually believe anything he says. Andy and Surfer would’ve been such a superior show.

Everything's falling the fuck down.

The show went downhill after the Flemenco debacle and only got worse from there. This all could have been avoided if they just talked about something different other than AF and Ralph for a change. They spent a whole hour trying to convince their audience that Ralph had a post-show meltdown when in actuality they just were showing footage of Ralph actually acting normal for once in his life.

Moorish hands typed this. Fuck off nigger save us from these retards Miguel.

Ashtons uncle is literally in CISIS

I came up with the kino casino in an ambulance recording where i also suggested the trucker protest.
The whole show, is a glow op to get me because I broke the castro story and called pierre the biggest cuck ever.

Attached: ashton.png (1317x809, 1.79M)

destroyed AF, mission accomplished
$50,000 has been deposited into his account
same as the 2018 op, AMA

*misuses the word kino in your path*

That is a kike
A demon
Why has it not been purged?

I reckon in 5 years time Andy, Tonka, Ralph, et al will get the band back together for one last grift; a grift to end all grifts after each of their careers implode from lolcow stupidity
and Jim will be laughing at them from beyond the grave

The hell, they had a website for people to donate? I thought they just used YT superchats and other mainline streaming service donating services.

is all these cunts say, at least IBS had an edge to it, this new eceleb shit is about as trashy as all the new vtuber grifters arriving on the scene
it's all so staged and forced, intollerable really, but there are spackers willing to throw good money at it