"science" believers are insane

look at this interaction with a science believer

I asked how scientist determined rocks were 300 million years old and this low iq chimp links a wiki article to geology
I tried to ask him what geology was used and he couldn't give an answer

their entire world view is pure belief that their version of priest are interpreting their version of scripture correctly for them
he couldn't give a single answer for what geologist do other than say
>they work on rocks

are science believers unironically more faith based than any religion?
these people can vote and only vote based off of their pure faith that their priest are interpreting their scripture correctly
is this dangerous?

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Other urls found in this thread:


"science" is more faith based than anything else in the human egregore
this is 100% fact

it's the same for space shit
they'll tell you a trillion dollar telescope produced the same image as the hubble telescope (when it was broken) and that it's
>so heckin cool!

There will never be anything more pathetic than someone who blindly follows science
That retard has 5 going on 6 jabs of mystery juice flowing through him

have a bump

Its ironic to see "This house believes in Science!" signs next to "You can change your chromosomes-rights" signs..


The burden of proof is on you to disprove science because it's unanimously accepted as true

actually incredible

pure 100% faith based belief system

Replication Crisis
(((Science))) is Jewish bullshit. Trust in Christ.

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>and will pay no attention to Jewish myths or to the merely human commands of those who reject the truth.

All niggers think
>we wuz kangz
doesn't make reality, faggot.

they ignore the "science" when it's convenient for them

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to be fair a lot of religious people just quote bible verses and then leave the thread. its hard to have a good interaction with anyone at all

at least they have scripture to quote
science believers like the retard in OP don't even have that they just say
and I quote
>The burden of proof is on you to disprove science because it's unanimously accepted as true
not even scripture to back up their faith, just that others believe it so it must be true

Pretty sure it's based on the half life of radioactive isotopes in rocks and soil.

these days, the person that says upfront he's for science is about to make a very unscientific argument.

No shit the people who engineered adn built the Pyramids were white. No non-white has ever, in the entire history of mankind, ever produced anything of value. In fact they drag down any white civilization they can, just by sheer incompetence. Niggers are a Jewish bio-weapon against superior white people. White empathy for shit-skins and mud people will be our downfall. Start shooting niggers on sight or literally end up being eaten by them. You have been warned. Look at what happened to South African whites.

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>"science" is more faith based than anything else in the human egregore
>this is 100% fact
No, it's not. Religion is. There's never been one tiny bit of proof of a god/creator. Science is all about results, predictive validity and consistency. About absolute truth, or getting as close to it as possible. Only ignorant, brainwashed religious cultists view science as a dirty word.
>are science believers unironically more faith based than any religion?
Obviously not. Science is the best means of discovering and determining truth. You're religious, aren't you? If so, cultists like you are the problem. 'Progressives' are cultists, too. We're sandwiched between irrational idiotic cultists on both sides. Both need to be ignored or suppressed.

>blindly follows science
You mean leftists that blindly follow the establishment's political narratives? There's nothing wrong with trusting legitimate science. Science is fundamentally about discovering truth and learning. It is an inherently good thing.


>pretty sure
>might be
>the scientist said these big words so

The left has made science into a religion about following authority and not asking questions, rather than a process of discovery

Hehehe we got a live one!

Its people who think "science" is a canonical unquestionable text which they need not have any understanding of themselves personally because someone with a degree they see on TV can explain it to them and they can have 100% faith in that person accurately representing the science.

Its 100% faith based, this is the difference between a reddit tier science believer and an actual scientists who understand science is a never ending ongoing PROCESS of constant questioning and we have total certainty that at any given time our understanding of almost everything is incomplete. The more you know the more you understand you dont know.

if the off chance you're legitimately curious on how rocks are dated and not an escaped asylum patient or something, scientists usually use potassium-argon dating since K is so common, but minerals can be dated using other decaying isotopes (Rubidium-strontium for example for very old rocks) with very long half lives as well (not carbon)

As with everything, the NPC masses are too stupid to understand the truth so it has to packaged in a consumable way that makes the truth no longer be the truth.
Do you think a normie is impressed by a radio telescope image of a celestial body? It looks like this. They need the "real" version colorized and photoshopped to hell and back to not turn all scientific research grants into gibs.

And that is the problem with Ifuckinglovescience cultists that have turned it into a secular religion like trooning out. They trust science man to tell them about the latest hekkin science and believe their religions end times prophecy about the incipient great flood from the evil devil manmade climate change... all on faith. Mention something doctrinally schismatic with the latest pop science article they read and they react like the itinerant medieval peasant they are.

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You have rocks in your head. The world is 6,000 years old. The Dark Ages never happened. Christ is King.

No, it's just brainwashed leftist cultists, dude. Your religious bias drives you to use them to bash science as a whole. Science, or truth, is the biggest enemy of religion and religious cultists will take any opportunity to try to convince people to choose ignorance, lies and 'faith' over it. You're the same as the leftists, really. Both want to brainwash humanity into supporting their irrational cult and suppress evidence and dissent that contradicts it.

and what if science tells you ancient israelites/hebrews were white and that modern jews have absolutely no relation to them?

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The single most important concept the Human Race has developed so far is the Scientific Method. Nothing else comes close to understanding the World and getting results.

Q: how do you know the rocks are 300M years old?
A: they have 300M year old fossils in them
Q: how do you know the fossils are 300M years old?
A. they are found in 300M year old rocks
Its all so tiresome.

> absolute truth
Wasn't it glorious jewstein, who said that it's all relative?

>I trust the science!
>where is your science coming from?
>it's being relayed to me by the government through the man on TV!
>what does this sience say?
>that I should eat bugs to combat the food crisis, I should get an electric car because I am at fault for global warming, not mega corporations and that I should live on the street so an immigrant can live in my house!
Yeah, everyone else are the insane cultists. Not you, bro.

Good job OP, you got one. Keep this thread up and you’ll have this user hooked for hours.

They've made blind obedience to authority fashionable. They actually reject science when it contradicts them. Anyone that would demand bias in science is not truly in support of it.

A cult-free, rational thinker. Only cultists see science as a bad thing.

There it is.

>are science believers unironically more faith based than any religion?
Yes, definitely. But it's faith that a certain process leads to verifiable knowledge rather than dogmatic faith in unverifiable knowledge (which is what most religions are). People can be corrupt and stupid, though. So it's foolish to believe that all findings are true, but it's even more ridiculous to deny that "science" is the most reliable way to discover verifiable knowledge. It obviously is.
The real issue here is the eternal, "two layman arguing over professional knowledge." Neither of them are qualified to have the conversation. They should probably be talking about their favorite entertainment.