A Prophecy from the Past

«The swastika will appear one day on the flags of all the peoples of the white race, and also one day the National Socialist French, English, Italian and Russian Workers' Party will appear. The German struggle can develop into a world struggle only if every National Socialist is driven only by love for his people.»

Alfred Rosenberg, ideologue of National Socialism . From "Völkischer Beobachter" № 8, 1923.

Attached: rosenberg.jpg (1100x619, 105.7K)

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The original quote in German can be found in Günter Schubert' books on Google Books

Attached: source.jpg (1143x716, 234.47K)

In 1923, these words were partially quoted here: archive.org/details/historischpolitischeblaettervol171yr1923/page/n261/mode/2up

Attached: so1.jpg (724x220, 87.03K)


>Ideologue of National Socialism
If you actually read about this guy, he was not as important or powerful by any means as he made himself out to be. He literally just wrote a bunch of shit and didn’t do anything. He just said he was the “ideologue of Nazism” but definitely wasn’t. Just a fun fact I guess, look it up. Still really like him though.

Uhhhm based?
I propose this as /our/ flag

Attached: 2231321312.png (1015x1053, 1.47M)

Better this one, my friend!

Attached: flag.jpg (675x503, 99.81K)


Attached: 1649812970310.png (500x377, 236.16K)

Looks too much like a Taiwan flag

Once "ГEЙ" meant something completely different....Every day we are further away from God!

Better this one, my friends!

Attached: Flag_of_Atomwaffen_Division.svg.png (2560x1536, 281.86K)

Long live the nuclear holocaust!

LOL, really


I wish. And our flag actually looks better with the swastika instead of the stars.

Attached: DreamAmerica.jpg (1000x500, 86.89K)

>Even the flag glows

I'm watching this series right now. I don't mean exactly now, but I'm watching. Obergruppenführer Smith is pretty cool.


However, this guy was the Head of the NSDAP Foreign Policy Department (1933-1943) and the Fuhrer's commissioner for monitoring the general spiritual and ideological education of the NSDAP. This is serious.

Does anyone know the name of this specific font, or others like it?

this guy is a dumb ass faggot and his book is full of flimsy pseudoscientific claims with no evidence. nazis stfu and fuck yourselves

This is called "gothic font". If I got your question right.