Eye racism

When I was growing up my grandparents would talk about eye color and it went something like this:
>blue eyes are trustworthy people
>never trust brown eyes because they are lairs and deceivers
>green eyes are a 50/50, not ideal like blue eyes but they are passable
Keep in mind the context to my grandparents is that they never seen a nigger in their lives so this only applies to whites. Niggers are not to be trusted by default it was such common knowledge you didn't even need say it.
Now that I look back and think about it, it actually checks out for the most part.
Is this common knowledge or were my grandparents pioneers in advanced racism?

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>muh eyes
how many white trash have blue eyes but behave worse than an afrcan nigger

Thats because of rarity, in Turkey and Greece for example blue eyes are seen as untrusty.

this poster knows the superiority of the blue eyes

Brown eyes here, I remember reading that tesla thought he was autistic because he had "bright eyes"

Other than that, I'm paranoid and therefore untrustworthy. Feels bad.

your grandparents are weird

Nice try kike. Trying to divide white people even more.

My eye. Am I OK?

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also this, majority of whites do not have blue or green eyes, who the fuck cares what your eye color is, it's cope for retards that are boring and want to stand out from the crowd


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that would be in the passable not not ideal category

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So you trust Mr Gates, Soros and Rocket fellers?

This one goes right into my retina folder. Watch your steps..

seething poo eye

You're grandparents were dumbasses and you were stupid enough to trust them. Now you'll be deceived by blue eyed people you automatically trusted and miss out on meeting trustworthy people with brown eyes. You need to realize race has more to do with behavior than anything. Caucasians are a skull shape and corresponding brain capacity within our skulls. Africoids and Mongoloids dont just look different, they think and act different. They're wired different, brains are developed more in some areas and underdeveloped in others due to their skull shape. For example niggers have no prefrontal cortex and a massive area that controls impulse and anger, like an ape. Eye color doesn't control these things, it's brain development.

Good color, incel eye shape. You are fucked.

you're a fag and so are your grandparents
jannies do your job

yeux bleues yeux d'amoureux ("blue eyes lover eyes"
yeux verts yeux de vipère (green eyes viper eyes"
yeux marrons yeux de cochons (brown eyes pig eyes)

i want you fucking dead

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Dont blame me for your nigger colors.

Total bullshit.
I know I'm talking about myself here, but it's a fact that I've never had a problem with truth. I have my faults, I'm not perfect, but lying has never been one of my faults. That's simply a neutral, objective fact. Brown eyes.

And as other anons pointed out, if you trust all blue-eyed people that's going to be quite problematic.

I call bullshit.

Humans are capable of associating shit like this without ever needing to be educated on it. It's basic survival coding.
Imagine getting stung by a wasp- just a shit example. The next fucking bug that looks like a wasp that lands on you, you'll likely freak and kill it.
And so goes these so called "stereotypes" that the jew run education, indoctrination, system demands white people abandon. Sorry but generations of experience beats virtue signaling every time.