Aerospace engineer trashes a Chinese store for not understanding her English

Video with sound:

Listen to the video, she's speaking perfect American, why can't those chinks understand her? Could you make what she's saying? If you don't, your future business WILL be trashed also.

Who is in the right here?

Attached: ners_of-inh9bgmbgzb91.webm (338x360, 1.96M)

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no one understands nigger

Define nigger

>perfect american

okay I'll bite

nope 1st fucking word I knew she was an east coast spic

heavy ebonics and zoomer talk

Seems like a perfectly normal reaction, sheeeeeit

Ever seen the biggest table on wikipedia?

you are looking for AAVE east


>das rite imma vote for Trump, build dat mahfuckin wall, and send ya’ll squinty eyes back to Mexico where ya’ll came from

if you build your shop near a volcano, you don't get to complain if it's too hot
similarly, if you build your shop near niggers, you don't get to complain if it's too violent

why did white people do this to those asians? #blm

Many such cases.

Attached: 1623724320480.webm (720x1224, 2.86M)

I’m surprised the Chinese didn’t cook her up & eat her or vice versa

Big chimpin baby.

Attached: 1647993098804.webm (576x628, 2.78M)

Sex with a nigger is like having sex with a wild animal. As long as you can put up with the smell, it’s pretty fun. I must admit. I’ve drilled for oil a couple times in my youth. But these chicks were like, white boy hounds. I really wanted to have sex with a hood chick and be her first white boy. I haven’t had the pleasure.

Attached: 1523833693304.webm (360x640, 2.1M)

You've never had sex in your life.

>Sex with a nigger is like having sex with a wild animal. As long as you can put up with the smell, it’s pretty fun
nigger, do you fuck animals?

Attached: 1522428668790.webm (202x360, 2.92M)


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>complain about niggers
>"incel wahhh"

many such cases.

Attached: je.webm (426x188, 2.82M)

>muh fuggin bix nood
I swear niggers are getting harder to understand every year

Need some gasses?

they should increase immigration of those types of people

How does he know what having sex with an animal is like?

Why cant the entire planet come together on the nigger issue? What is to be gained by having niggers in any society? Why not send them all to africa and blockade the entire continent. Let them niggerfy their own stuff.

>Aerospace engineer trashes a Chinese store for not understanding her English
Keep in mind that anti-2A laws exist in democratic cities to keep normies dependent on the state for security against their violent black voter base. If this nigger tried this before the 90's "assault weapon" ban, she would've been laying on the floor choking on her own blood.

Attached: 1631319487577.png (651x616, 125.27K)

Based. Fuck Chinks.

Attached: 1656682439483.webm (1080x720, 1.62M)

I fucked a few negresses and he is right they are like animals in the sheets. you can find a white girl like that too but they are usually nuts.

interesting to see a food desert form live

Imagine if they carried carpenters mallets and chisels with them.

Always disappoints me that they just chimp and don't do any real damage.
>ayo i do sum reel damage to ya wite boi
You don't get it nigger, i'm replaceable just like you, the system doesn't change.

I hate niggers. because of this.

Is she going to jail? Why are they jailing all our aerospace engineers?