Why are middle eastern/muslim people so rude?

I live in denmark and literally every middle eastern person i have met have been extremely rude and short tempered, what do you think pol?

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The underclass is always this way as a cope to salve their egos about their position

Don't be ignorant. They aren't rude just racist. I have due to a horrific accident of God, skin that looks like an islamic person. So when they see me they try to pass food to my mouth and they try to hold my penis when I urinate.

I wish I was joking. If you are brown, islamic men will do the world for you. They are slaves to the cause and I can understand how they get taken advantage by jews. But I still need someone to suck my cock so I endure them.

Sorry you are white I guess. Enjoy monday and tuesday I hear the UV is good for a tan.

I'm middle eastern and how dare you call me rude you dirty faggot swine nigger rapist infidel. I will beat you with 30 shoes for your insolence. Praise be to Allah

High T. compared to Scandinavians.

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They live in low trust tribes and societies were everyone is screwing everyone. They don't know the winning strategy in game theory for two parties like the nordics do.
Additionally inferiority complex to the host nations.

>milk hormones
Also why they're huge

>They don't know the winning strategy in game theory for two parties like the nordics do.
This I'd love to hear

seeds dont make milk
soya is the devil

Because they are retards with hot blood. Generally hot blooded people deserve to be slapped in the face, so they cut it with their temper tantrums.

Inferiority complex, they know that can't survive in a polite society that expects responsibility from each individual, so they try to ambush people in packs until they are put in their place.

It's not going to be the successful or upstanding people who migrate. Only human garbage migrates to the west for gibs.

nuff said

Yes but a long history of pastoralism in your shitty swamp country does

Halal is people.

if you bombed my country and then told me it's ok that i can go to Denmark to pick your groceries as a consolation prize, I'd be mad as hell too

The day of beheading can't come soon enough

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> I live in denmark and literally every middle eastern person i have met have been extremely rude and short tempered, what do you think pol?

Arab living in Canada. I am cold to whites because based on what I see here, it seems like Canadians really fucking hate me but are forced by the state to hide it. So they are two-faced by their very nature. I'm way too self aware and realize I don't belong here, but that also I've been here since I was 5, so my parents home is not a place I can even go back to.
I will automatically assume that a white person sees me as lesser than them unless they ca prove otherwise that they actually see me as a human being, then I can treat them with camaraderie. I'm only doing this to protect myself. The times where I tried to be as open and welcoming as other whites were times that I was take advantage of.

They’re hard to come by in flyover county but I don’t actually mind them.

It's almost like multiracialism is completely toxic to fraternity and it would have been wiser to avoid this situation developing in the first place

0 tolerance for degenerates. Inshallah brothers and be glad they didn't take your zoomer skull

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>It's almost like multiracialism is completely toxic to fraternity and it would have been wiser to avoid this situation developing in the first place

I agree with you, and I wish my parents realized what they were getting into before they decided to immigrate.
Canada runs massive, intensive advertising campaigns around the World in order to get gullible people to enter its Ponzi scheme economy.
My parents came in with the lies that they were fed, that Canada offered a better quality of life, and that the education is better. My dad never found work in Canada despite being a chemical engineer for 10+ years, and ended up working overseas anyways to make money. My mom, who was a nurse in her home country, never worked as a nurse in Canada, as they make you go through the entire education system again, at a great expense.

They thought they would win by immigrating here. Instead, the State won. The state now has their three kids as full-time working taxpayers, one in the Service, and two girls who have been completely indoctrinated by the public education system to be careerist whores.
I would blame my parents, but they didn't know any better. I'm looking for a way out.

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Outside of Western European culture every culture is horrible, exploitative, low trust, and dysfunctional.

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99% of non-whites hate white people. why is this so hard for white people to understand?

This also goes for recent hispanic immigrants to the US

Muslims are just jews with bigger hats.

Actually even if they've been here for decades, subhumans don't like to shed their subhuman culture

inbreeding makes them temperamantal .abd the fact they know they are invaders and you are their enemy


deep down they're angry because they have to come to infidel countries for a better life, and it gnaws at them

They see you as an infidel. You can be glad they were just rude and didn't kill you instead.