Why does tiktok algorithm push this guy? Do they want to corrupt the values of American youth?

Why does tiktok algorithm push this guy? Do they want to corrupt the values of American youth?

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TikTok is a Chinese company so it does make sense for them to push this guy. Fifth-gen warfare is real.

chy-nah is going to push whatever is bad for the US.
Don't watch it.

Attached: Xi_Pooh.png (1218x922, 498.06K)

People probably pay to have their stuff pushed. I don't know if it's still a thing but years ago on youtube you could pay to have your video recommended to more users. Could be that or hiring someone to push your account with bot views. He's tangentially connected to Jordan Patreon because he boofed his daughter so he's probably fully versed in grifting.

Kek he's not wrong though.

bunch of retards pay him $50 per month for a privilege of shilling him on social media platforms as a part of their marketing training, they get half the money back if they recruit 10 people too, it's basically MLM scam with a social media angle

bu..bu....bu....but i love tiktok, what's wrong?!

Brainlet cope



They want to marginalize "disobedient" men into annoying obnoxious douche bag spazzes.

This dumb nigger just likes hearing his own voice.

It's hard to watch a bald chinlet LARP as a chad

it's the other way around, people pay him to promote his stuff, it's kind of brilliant in its own malicious way

>brooo life is about getting sportscars like brooo cmon

getting rich is great, but have some imagination, god damn.

This guy's wide-eyed chinless face ranting is so off-putting to look at for even one moment.

maybe tiktok likes gypsies

>have some imagination
He does, he's very imaginative in how he pursues his base desires. What ha can't phantom, is that these base desires won't be fulfilling in the long run, the tale of Dorian Grey is a classical one for a reason.

Imagine what society would be like if everyone thought like this guy.

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